Pope Francis


Pope Francis is the current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born in 1936 and he comes from Argentina. In March 2013 he was elected Pope and chose the name Francis in honour of Saint Francis of Assissi.

Fun Facts: Pope Francis is the 266th pope but the first Francis. He is also the first pope to come from the Americas, and the first pope to come from the Southern Hemisphere.

We have a collection of printables that you can use in the classroom or home. By special request, some of the printables are also available as Papa Francisco and Papa Francesco for our visitors from around the world.

You might also like to visit our Vatican City Flag Printables page.

Learn to Draw Pope Francis

Learn to Draw Pope Francis

Children can learn to draw their own picture of the current Pope, Pope Francis, by following along with our step by step drawing instructions.

Papa Francesco Poster

Papa Francesco Poster

A poster of Pope Francis for our friends in Italy, who know him as Papa Francesco.

Papa Francesco Writing Page

Papa Francesco Writing Page

Our Spanish-speaking visitors can write about Papa Francisco with this fun printable writing page for kids. Available in colour or black and white.

Pope Francis Colouring Page

Pope Francis Colouring Page

Children may enjoy colouring in this simple Pope Francis colouring sheet, complete with the "thumbs up" sign that he is known for. There may not be that much colouring to do as his robes are usually white!

Pope Francis Poster

Pope Francis Poster

Our illustration of Pope Francis makes a fun poster to display, especially for younger children. You can also use it the front cover of a project - and fill the insides with more of our Pope Francis printables!

Pope Francis Story Paper

Pope Francis Story Paper

Kids can use our Pope Francis story paper to write about what they have learned, or perhaps to copy out some simple words about him, his motto, or one of his quotes. Here's one we found:

Pope Francis Worksheet

Pope Francis Worksheet

Children need to find out some facts about Pope Francis so that they can fill in this worksheet (available in either colour or black and white) and then write about what they would talk about with the Pope if they were to meet him - an interesting assignment for all ages.

Pope Francis Writing Page

Pope Francis Writing Page

Here is our standard writing page design available for Pope Francis - perfect for children to store their research.

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