Printable Lined Paper


Whether your child is writing a story with its own special picture, composing a poem or taking notes on a science experiment, it is always useful to have a stock of lined or decorative paper waiting! We've got a big collection of printable lined paper for home and classroom. Choose from many different styles and designs to suit all ages, and print them out as you need them.

Blank Booklet - Lined

Blank Booklet - Lined

Here is one of our little booklets, ready to fold (instructions here), decorate and fill up with whatever you want!

Landscape Dotted Line Paper

Landscape Dotted Line Paper

Economical and quick to print, this landscape dotted line paper comes in A4 and Letter size and two different spacings to suit younger children. Choose from wide (1.5cm) or standard (1cm) dotted lines. This printable makes a good classroom standby.

Handwriting Lines Landscape 2cm

Landscape Handwriting Lines 2cm

These large handwriting lines on a landscape page are just the thing for beginner writers. Spaced at 2.0cm and with a topline, midline and bottom line, they will help your children learn to form their letters correctly.

Handwriting Lines Landscape Shaded

Landscape Handwriting Lines Shaded

These shaded landscape pages are perfect for beginners and they come in 6 lovely colours to make handwriting practice fun! Make sure you only print the pages you want. We have them in A4 or letter size below. Choose from pink, green, blue, yellow, pale orange and lilac.

Landscape Ruled Paper

Landscape Ruled Paper

With 1cm spacing between the lines, this is a good everyday landscape paper to print for writing projects in the classroom or home. You can choose between A4 and Letter versions in 5 different colours.

Landscape Wide Ruled Paper

Landscape Wide Ruled Paper

This landscape wide ruled paper has lines spaced at 1.5cm (15mm) and no margins. It is ready to print in a variety of colours, in either A4 or Letter size. It is perfect for younger children learning to write, or for displays.

College Ruled Paper

Portrait College Ruled Paper

College ruled paper traditionally has lines spaced 0.71cm apart. We've provided various printable versions here. Choose from A4 and Letter sized, grey, red or blue margins.

Dotted Line Paper

Portrait Dotted Line Paper

By making the lines on this paper dotted, we've ensured that this the most economical (and quickest) lined paper to print. Choose from 0.8cm, 1cm and 1.5cm spacing to suit the ages of your children, and print out a stack so that you are ready for all basic writing projects...

Portrait Handwriting Lines 1.4cm Assorted Colours

Portrait Handwriting Lines 1.4cm Assorted Colours

These handwriting lines are spaced 1.4cm apart, perfect for children who are gaining in confidence with their handwriting practice. Choose from 8 fun colours and A4 or Letter sized printable paper.

Portrat Handwriting Lines 2cm Assorted Colours

Portrait Handwriting Lines 2cm Assorted Colours

Start children off with this colourful handwriting practice paper, with 2cm spacing - about 3/4 inch. It's perfect for beginners and to keep it fun we've provided 6 colours as well as grey and black. Choose from A4 or Letter sized below.

Handwriting Lines Portrait Large

Portrait Handwriting Lines Large

Children can practise their early handwriting skills with the help of this handwriting lines printable. The spacing is large, with a total letter size of 1.4cm, so this printable is most appropriate for beginners and younger children. We have A4 and Letter versions to download below.

Handwriting lines portrait shaded

Portrait Handwriting Lines Shaded

We've got 6 cheerful colours to choose from as well as A4 and Letter versions of this lovely handwriting practice paper. Each pack contains all the colours, so make sure you only print the pages you want!

Legal Ruled Paper

Portrait Legal Ruled Paper

With lines 0.87cm apart, legal ruled paper (also known as "wide" ruled paper) prints at a useful size for older children to use for notes, essays etc. We have both A4 and Letter-sized printables here, with grey, blue or red margins to choose from.

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