Quotation Colouring Cards


These beautiful colouring cards all feature our quotes and sayings in lovely lettering. Print onto good qaulity A4 card or paper, fold and colour. They are perfect for older children (and adults) and are something very special to give.

'Tis the Season To Be Jolly Colouring Card

'Tis the Season To Be Jolly Colouring Card

This would make such a lovely, cheerful card to give to a special friend or family member this Christmas - made extra-special by being hand coloured in. 'Tis the season to be jolly - and colour!

All You Need Is Love Colouring Card

All You Need Is Love Colouring Card

Here's a lovely card to colour and give to someone special on Valentine's Day - or any day of the year, come to think of it! All you need is love ... and some colouring pens or pencils.

Always Do Your Best Colouring Card

Always Do Your Best Colouring Card

Colour this lovely card design - Always Do Your Best - and then fold in half ready to give to someone special. It is just one of our "colouring quote" cards.

And So The Adventure Begins Colouring Card

And So The Adventure Begins Colouring Card

This is the perfect colouring card to give to someone about to go off on their adventure of a lifetime, move to a new job, or perhaps move to a new town. We've designed it for older children (or adults) to colour in.

Baby It's Cold Outside Colouring Card

Baby It's Cold Outside Colouring Card

Here's a fun winter / Christmas card to colour and give a loved one - such a nice thing to do on a winter's evening, and sure to be well received! I admit we have adults in mind more than kids for this particular colouring card.

Be bold colouring card

Be Bold Colouring Card

Sometimes a friend, colleague or family member might need a reminder of how special they are. Encourage someone to "be bold, be brave, be you" with this lovely colouring card.

Be Grateful Colouring Card

Be Grateful Colouring Card

This lovely colouring card would be a perfect project to give someone special at Thanksgiving, but a pretty reminder at any time. It's designed for older kids and adults to colour in.

C'est La Vie Colouring Card

C'est La Vie Colouring Card

You never know exactly what is coming your way - that's life! This is a great card for reminding a friend to sway with the wind and roll with the punches!

Carpe Diem Colouring Card

Carpe Diem Colouring Card

Here's a lovely card to give to someone who might need a gentle reminder to "carpe diem" or "seize the day"!

Choose Happy Colouring Card

Choose Happy Colouring Card

This lovely cheerful cards reminds the giver to choose happy - and is sure to help them choose happy with its pretty design!

Dare to Dream Colouring Card

Dare to Dream Colouring Card

Dare to dream - and give this lovely card, carefully coloured in, to someone special. Older children (and perhaps an adult or two) will enjoy colouring in this pretty design.

Enjoy the Little Things Colouring Card

Enjoy the Little Things Colouring Card

It is now well known and accepted that if we stop and pay attention to the little things - the things that might otherwsie get lost in our busy lives - we tend to be happier. This pretty card is a reminder of just that.

Family Where Love Begins Colouring Card

Family Where Love Begins Colouring Card

This beautiful colouring card is perfect to send for lots of family occasions, and family members will be delighted that you've coloured it in just for them! 

Find Your Tribe Colouring Card

Find Your Tribe Colouring Card

Colour in this fun card - Find Your Tribe, Love Them Hard. It makes a good card for a friend or family member, or perhaps to welcome in a new colleague.

Follow Your Heart Colouring Card

Follow Your Heart Colouring Card

Follow your heart when you colour in this lovely card - and follow your heart when you give it or send it, too! This makes a lovely colouring project for Valentine's Day, or any time. Print on borderless settings.

Good Morning Sunshine Colouring Card

Good Morning Sunshine Colouring Card

Here's a lovely card to colour and give to a friend - perhaps one who always seems to bring the sunshine to your life! It would be a fun card to colour and give to a child, too.

Good Things Take Time Colouring Card

Good Things Take Time Colouring Card

In these high-pressure times it is easy to forget that sometimes, good things take time. This pretty card is just the thing to colour and give to a friend who needs a little reminder - and who could fail to be cheered up by this one!

Hold Your Head High Colouring Card

Hold Your Head High Colouring Card

When life gets you down, sometimes you have to have the courage of your convictions and hold your head high! This is a lovely card to give to a friend who needs a little lift and encouragement.

Home Is Where The Heart Is Colouring Card

Home Is Where The Heart Is Colouring Card

Here's a lovely colouring card to send to someone who has moved away for a while - perhaps to university or boarding school. It would also work very well as a "welcome to your new home" card.

Home Sweet Home Colouring Card

Home Sweet Home Colouring Card

Print and colour this lovely "home sweet home" card design. It would make a super house-warming card, or be perfect for a house-proud friend or perhaps even a child going away to college for the first time...

I Can And I Will Colouring Card

I Can And I Will Colouring Card

There are lots of occasions when you might want to give someone this pretty colouring card - before an exam, sporting competition or starting a new school, college or job? Print onto some card (using the borderless setting on your printer for best results), colour, then fold.

I Must Have Flowers Colouring Card

I Must Have Flowers Colouring Card

This beautiful colouring card is perfect for a flower-mad friend, or perhaps a fan of the Impressionist artist Monet. In fact, I think most people would be thrilled to receive it.

If Not Now When Colouring Card

If Not Now When Colouring Card

This card is ready to print and colour and give to someone in need of a gentle nudge in the right direction, with the message - If not now, when? It would also make an excellent New Year card, I think!

Just Breathe Colouring Card

Just Breathe Colouring Card

When a child or an adult gets too stressed - remind them to "just breathe" with this lovely colouring card. You could even print it out, fold it and package it up with a small pack of colouring pencils so that they can colour it in themselves ...

Keep Your Face to the Sunshine Colouring Card

Keep Your Face to the Sunshine Colouring Card

This colouring card showcases one of our favourite quotes from Helen Keller: "Keep your face in the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow". It's good advice, and perhaps the card would make a pick-me-up for a friend who needs help feeling cheerful?

Let It Snow Colouring Card

Let It Snow Colouring Card

Here's a lovely snowy card for the kids to colour in and give to friends who like snow. It's a perfect non-religious greetings card for the holiday season, too.

Let Your Ideas Bloom Colouring Card

Let Your Ideas Bloom Colouring Card

This card is perfect for creative people and gardeners! It would make a lovely card to give in spring - but might cheer up a winter's day, too. Just print (preferably with borderless settings), colour and fold.

Life's a Journey Not a Race Colouring Card

Life's a Journey Not a Race Colouring Card

Print this pretty card and colour it in before folding and writing a message inside to someone special. It might be a good card to give someone who is recuperating from an illness, to remind them to take their time to get better rather than pushing themselves.

Mistakes Are Proof That I Am Trying Colouring Card

Mistakes Are Proof That I Am Trying Colouring Card

This colouring card is great to send to someone who needs a little encouragement to keep going and carry on - as the quote on the card says, "Mistakes are proof that I am trying", and it's always best to keep trying if we can!

Never Give Up Colouring Card

Never Give Up Colouring Card

Sometimes things don't go according to plan - but that doesn't mean we give up! This colouring card with a message - Never Give Up - might be appropriate for those times when someone you know needs a reminder to stay strong and keep going.

No Matter How Long The Winter Colouring Card

No Matter How Long The Winter Colouring Card

When a friend is feeling weighed down by a long winter, why not cheer them up with this lovely card, made even more special by the fact that you or the children coloured it in. Just remember, no matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.

No Rain No Flowers Colouring Card

No Rain No Flowers Colouring Card

Sometimes on rainy days it can be hard to keep your mood up - so this "no rain, no flowers" card might be perfect to colour and give to someone who is feeling low.

Peace Love Joy Colouring Card

Peace Love Joy Colouring Card

Send friends and family a little Peace, Love and Joy this Christmas, with the help of this beautiful colouring card design.

Spring Is In The Air Colouring Card

Spring Is In The Air Colouring Card

This would make a lovely card to colour for someone who has a birthday in spring, or perhaps a friend or family member who needs cheering up. When spring is in the air, it's hard to feel sad!

The Earth Laughs In Flowers Colouring Card

The Earth Laughs In Flowers Colouring Card

The flowers on this colouring card will look fantastic once they're all coloured in, then you can fold the card in half, add a message inside and give it to someone special...

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow Colouring Card

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow Colouring Card

If someone is feeling a little gloomy, this card is perfect to cheer them up! Colour in the picture and remind someone that "the sun will come out tomorrow" - it always does, eventually!

Think Happy Thoughts Colouring Card

Think Happy Thoughts Colouring Card

It will definitely be easier to think happy thoughts when you are colouring in this lovely card - or receiving it! I know this is going to be on of the most popular of our colouring quotes cards.

This Is Your Year To Sparkle Colouring Card

This Is Your Year To Sparkle Colouring Card

This colouring card is perfect for a special birthday message, or perhaps to send at New Year. You could add some glittery accents or glue on some sequins for extra sparkle!

Tomorrow Is Another Day Colouring Card

Tomorrow Is Another Day Colouring Card

When things get tough, it is always worth remembering that "tomorrow is another day" and that we can all start again afresh. Here's a colouring card with exactly that message - perhaps perfect for a friend who needs a boost?

True Friends Are Never Apart Colouring Card

True Friends Are Never Apart Colouring Card

When a friend moves to another school, town or country, this might be the perfect card to colour as a leaving card ... to remind him or her that true friends are never apart, whatever the distance.

Unless Someone Like You Colouring Card

Unless Someone Like You Colouring Card

This quote written by Dr Seuss is often heard at rallies for the environment, so this colouring card is perfect to colour in and send to someone on Earth Day...

Very Merry Christmas Colouring Card

Very Merry Christmas Colouring Card

This might be the perfect colouring card for someone special this Christmas! The minute the recipient opens it, they will humming this old-fashioned Christmas song and enjoying your Christmas greeting!

Welcome To Our Home Colouring Card

Welcome To Our Home Colouring Card

Perhaps you have new neighbours moving into your village, or guests coming to stay for a while. Welcome them to your home with this pretty colouring card, designed for older kids and adults to enjoy.

Wherever You Go Colouring Card

Wherever You Go Colouring Card

Wherever you go, go with all your heart! My Granny used to tell me this, and I think it was good advice. If you know someone who has the travel bug, or is perhaps looking to make a move to a new job, house or town, this might be the perfect card for them.

Worry Less Smile More Colouring Card

Worry Less Smile More Colouring Card

This lovely colouring card features some simple but wise words - worry less, smile more! Print using the borderless settings on your printer for the best result.

You Are My Sunshine Colouring Card

You Are My Sunshine Colouring Card

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey ... Cheer someone up with this pretty card, carefully coloured in and providing plenty of sunshine, whatever the weather! Print with borderless settings if you can.

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