Christmas Coordinates Colouring - Medium
There's a fun Christmas picture to be revealed by colouring in the squares according to the coordinates as in the instructions!
Whether you are looking for some fun for the classroom at Christmas or doing a home based reindeer project we have reindeer worksheets to help.
There's a fun Christmas picture to be revealed by colouring in the squares according to the coordinates as in the instructions!
This lovely reindeer is perfectly symmetrical - but he is missing one half! Can the kids finish the picture?
Get the kids to finish this exciting story! "It was Christmas Eve and everyone was in bed..."
Print our reindeer and snowflake word jigsaw out onto card at Christmas. Cut along the wavy lines. The children must build the words back together again, with the help of the picture.
Bring some Christmassy spirit to your creative writing with our reindeer acrostic poem printable. It might be worth starting with a brainstorming session for words beginning with the letters REIN and D!
This lovely reindeer booklet is perfect for storing everything you've learned about Reindeer, or use it for Christmas projects perhaps? You'll need our origami booklet folding instructions.
This fun cloze is perfect as a Christmas activity, as it's about reindeer! Can the children fill in the missing words using the words in the box on page 2?
Pop this reindeer counting jigsaw into a homemade advent calendar or stocking for a fun Christmas activity that helps the kids learn to count to 10. Print onto some card and slice along the vertical lines to make.
Get some handwriting practice in with this fun reindeer finger tracing worksheet. And of course we've provided a lovely picture to colour in as incentive!
Reindeers have become part of Christmas celebrations - how else would Santa deliver his presents every year? Children can practise their handwriting with this fun reindeer handwriting worksheet...
Write down everything you've learned about reindeer on these notebooking pages.
Here are two lovely reindeers for the kids to trace - and they will be getting lots of practice that will help to improve their handwriting while doing it! Once traced they could colour the reindeer in, or add some extra decorative touches.
Reindeer appear in lots of Christmas stories, and this story paper might just inspire the kids to write their own reindeer tale. Or use it to write down some facts about these beautiful animals.
This reindeer spelling jigsaw makes a perfect last minute stocking filler, or a fun surpriseĀ if you're filling your own advent calendar this year. Choose from our coloured or black and white versions, print onto card then slice down the vertical lines to make the jigsaw.
Will the kids write a Christmas themed story about this cute reindeer? Or maybe some facts or research work about these lovely animals? You could also use it for a Christmas list or thank you letter.
I don't know whether this is Rudolph, or one of Father Christmas's other reindeers, but he certainly looks ready to take the sleigh on a journey, doesn't he? I'm sure the kids will come up with an interesting story to fill this paper...
This reindeer symmetry challenge is a little different to the others in our collection, in that there is a solid shape to complete. Use the grid to help.
Reindeer are of course very important at Christmas time, but you can use this word tracing worksheet all year round.
When most of us think of reindeer we think about Santa and Christmas, and you might even be lucky enough to see one or two of these beautiful animals at a reindeer farm or parade around Christmastime. This fact-finding worksheet encourages the kids to learn a little more about them...
Here's a useful printable writing page illustrated with our cute reindeer. Good for all sorts of writing projects, it's available in black and white or colour.
Can children use the letters from RUDOLPH to write a poem about Santa's most well-known reindeer? We have a choice of four printables for them to display their work on.
Here's a lovely Christmas worksheet which the kids will enjoy! Finger trace the word "Rudolph" - everyone's favourite reindeer - and then colour him in. Don't forget his red nose!
Fans of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer will enjoy practising writing his name with this fun tracing worksheet!
The kids will enjoy practising their handwriting this Christmas with this fun Rudolph word tracing sheet. You can laminate the sheet if you want to reuse it.