This Remembrance Day wreath will make a lovely addition to displays in classrooms, Scout/Guide huts or at home. Colour in the poppy wreath then cut out carefully. Punch a hole in the top then thread through some ribbon to hang it up.
Colouring in this beautiful wreath is a lovely way for the children to be involved in Remembrance Day. Colour in the poppy wreath first, then cut out and make a hole in the top before threading through some ribbon (red would be ideal) and hanging in a display.
Colour in this picture of the Cenotaph in London. We've pictured it at the end of the Remembrance Day ceremony, with many poppy wreaths laid around its base.
At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, we will remember them. This pretty Remembrance Day colouring page design is aimed at older children, and of course includes Remembrance Day poppies as well as these traditional words.