

A rooster, also known as a cockerel or cock, is a male chicken. Roosters are well-known for their ability to "crow" - loudly, in the morning! They have a bright red "comb" which distinguishes them from the female chicken, or hen.

We've got lots of rooster-themed activities that you can enjoy with the kids... just explore the links below.

Year of the Rooster
The rooster is one of the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac. If your child is born in the Year of the Rooster, you might have an early waker on your hands (I know I do!) Have a look at our resources here:
Year of the Rooster

Roosters for kids

Our Rooster Resources

Rooster Colouring Pages
What would a farmyard be without a rooster to wake everyone up in the morning? We've got a...
Rooster Crafts
Here are some fun craft activities for a farm topic or for Chinese or Lunary New Year. Have a go at...
Rooster Printables
Fun rooster printables to enjoy at Chinese New Year with children born in the Year of the Rooster,...
Rooster Puzzles
There is a drawing theme to our rooster puzzles, we have a complete the picture puzzle, a grid copy...
Rooster Worksheets
Use our fact-finding and handwriting worksheets for a farm-bird theme, or for Year of the Rooster....

Nursery Rhyme

Cock a doodle do!
My dame has lost her shoe,
My master's lost his fiddlestick,
And knows not what to do.

Cock a doodle do!
What is my dame to do?
Till master's found his fiddlingstick,
She'll dance without her shoe.

Cock a doodle do!
My dame has found her shoe,
And master's found his fiddlingstick,
Sing cock a doodle do!

Cock a doodle do!
My dame will dance with you,
While master fiddles his fiddlingstick,
And knows not what to do!

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