

Learn about Rwanda, the land of a thousand hills. We have flag printables, maps and worksheets to print too.

Rolling Rwandan hills by the shore of Lake Kivu
Rolling Rwandan hills by the shore of Lake Kivu

Facts about Rwanda

  • The Republic of Rwanda is a tiny landlocked East African country.
  • Rwanda is known as 'the land of a thousand hills' - hills which are covered with rainforest and tea plantations.
  • The recent history of this former Belgian colony has been blighted by conflict between Hutu and Tutsi tribes which ended in the tragic 1994 genocide of 800,000 Tutsi.
  • The film 'Hotel Rwanda' records the heroic efforts of Paul Rusesabagina of the Hotel des Milles Collines in Kigali to protect 1,268 refugees in 1994.
  • Rwanda today is mainland Africa's most densely populated state with over 400 people per sq km.
  • The Volcanoes National Park, famous as home to a third of the world's mountain gorillas, was Africa's first national park.
  • The International Gorilla Conservation Programme aims to conserve mountain gorillas and their environment in Uganda, Rwanda and the Congo.
  • Nyungwe is the world's largest protected mountain rainforest. Visitors can find 310 species of bird and Africa's largest group of chimpanzees.
  • Rwanda is the youngest member of the Commonwealth, joining in 2009, despite having no colonial ties to the UK.
  • The sandy shores of Lake Kivu, the sixth largest in Africa, are a major tourist destination. The water high levels of CO2 and methane in the water could be dangerous.

Rwanda on the Map

Rwanda on map of Africa
You can print this map here

The Rwandan Flag

Rwanda flag

The Rwandan flag has four colours: blue, green, and two yellows, one for the band and one for the sun. The blue band represents happiness and peace, the yellow band symbolises economic development, and the green band represents hope for prosperity. The sun represents enlightenment.

Maps, Flags and Worksheets

A Day In Rwanda Diary

A Day In Rwanda Diary

Ever imagined what it might be like growing up in Rwanda? This worksheet asks the kids to do just that, and to write a diary entry of a typical day.

Culture In Rwanda

Culture In Rwanda

This guided worksheet encourages the kids to find out about the different aspects of culture in Rwanda.

Food From Rwanda Worksheet

Food From Rwanda Worksheet

Is the food in Rwanda different to the food you eat at home? Do some research to find out about the food in Rwanda, then record your findings on this worksheet.

Rwanda Coat Of Arms Worksheet

Rwanda Coat Of Arms Worksheet

Find out some facts about the Rwanda Coat of Arms and record them on this worksheet. Or have a go at redesigning the coat of arms on Worksheet 2!

Rwanda Location Worksheet

Rwanda Location Worksheet

Two Rwanda location worksheets here for different ages. Locate Rwanda and its capital city on the map.

Rwanda National Flower Colouring Page

Rwanda National Flower Colouring Page

Enjoy this colouring page with a beautiful illustration of a red rose, the national flower of Rwanda.

Fun Fact: The tallest rose bush ever recorded stood at 23 feet tall.

Rwanda on Map of Africa

Rwanda on Map of Africa

Help children learn exactly where Rwanda is within Africa with this printout - useful for display or possibly as a frontspiece for a project...

Rwanda Picture Gallery

Rwanda Picture Gallery

Kids can use this fun picture gallery printable to draw their own pictures of Rwanda, then you can display the finished result on a classroom wall!

Rwanda Postcard 1

Rwanda Postcard 1

Encourage some writing and help the kids practise addressing mail with this printable Rwanda postcard.

Rwanda Postcard 2

Rwanda Postcard 2

Create your own custom postcard from Rwanda using our printable template. You can draw any picture you like on the front, then write to a friend or family member on the back...

Rwanda Poster 1

Rwanda Poster 1

This poster will help the kids get an idea of the impressive landscape of Rwanda. Print using the borderless settings on your printer for the best results.

Rwanda Poster 2

Rwanda Poster 2

Learn to recognise the outline of Rwanda and the national flag too with this useful printable poster.

Rwanda Story Paper

Rwanda Story Paper

Write a creative story set in Rwanda, or use this story paper to record what you learn about this African country.

Rwanda Tourist Leaflet

Rwanda Tourist Leaflet

Here's a fun activity if the kids are learning about Rwanda. Can they create their own tourist leaflet, using this printable to start them off?

Rwanda Travel Brochure Worksheet

Rwanda Travel Brochure Worksheet

This fun worksheet asks the kids to be travel brochure writers. They'll need to do a little research first, then write all about Rwanda...

Rwanda worksheet

Rwanda Worksheet

Record what you have learned about Rwanda and make sure you can find it on a map of Africa, using this fun worksheet printable.

Wildlife Of Rwanda Worksheet

Wildlife Of Rwanda Worksheet

Lions were native to Rwanda but at one time were sadly wiped out. Luckily they have since been successfully re-introduced to the country. Ask the kids to find out more about the wildlife of this African country and write about it on the worksheet.

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