School Readiness


Activity Village has visitors from all over the world, and our children attend different types of schools at different ages. Definitions of school readiness will therefore vary, but most would agree on at least some of the following being goals to aim for. Some children will tick all the boxes below and take to school immediately, while for others the following list will still be a work in progress.

School Readiness - Basics

  • Children can separate from parents or carers without distress
  • Children can dress themselves and put on their own shoes and outer clothes
  • Children are independent in toileting and know how to wash their hands
  • Children understand expected levels of behaviour and respond to boundary setting
  • Children can sit still for a short period
  • Children can respond to questions and identify themselves by name and age
  • Children understand how, and have the confidence and language, to seek help and express their needs
  • Children can take turns and share, play and work co-operatively
  • Children are able to listen to others and follow age appropriate instructions

School Readiness - Ideal

  • Children have a degree of confidence and self-esteem
  • Children can play and work independently, at times without close supervision, taking responsibility for their environment
  • Children are able to initiate activities, show their own initiative and make simple decisions
  • Children can talk about themselves and their circumstances to a degree, name family members and so on
  • Children can show interest in the tasks they are undertaking, engaging with some tasks independently

Our school readiness posters and booklet are designed to highlight some of these skills in a way that your child will understand. Parents / carers can study the pictures with their children and build confidence, showing that they are able to do much of what will be required at school. They could also be used as display in the nursery or Early Years classroom.

School Readiness Booklet

School Readiness Booklet

Starting school for the first time is a huge step for young children. Our lovely school readiness booklet is perfect for parents and teachers to give to children to help them prepare and settle into their new school.

School Readiness Poster Set

School Readiness Poster Set

Here's a set of ten helpful school readiness posters, perfect for displaying around the classroom to help new school starters. Introduce them at home to build your child's confidence at being ready for school.

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