Sea Creature Maths Worksheets


Our sea creature maths worksheets feature some important early numeracy skills. We start with bright and cheerful counting worksheets, a fun addition facts colouring page and more...

Crab Number Sorting 2

Crab Number Sorting 2

There are 4 pages of these lovely crabs in this pack of sorting cards. Start with 1 set of 6 cards, then another set and work through the 4 sets, then try combining them until the kids can sort all 24 into the correct order - either from small to large or from large to small.

Crab Number Sorting 3

Crab Number Sorting 3

There are 24 crab number sorting cards in this pack. Try 6 at a time and then combine to give more of a challenge. The numbers range from 66 to 996.

Crab Number Sorting 4

Crab Number Sorting 4

Put the crab cards into the correct order - from smallest to largest, or from largest to smallest! This set includes numbers in the hundreds and numbers in the thousands.

Crab Number Sorting 5

Crab Number Sorting 5

This set of crab number sorting cards is going to challenge the kids! We've included decimals and numbers from the 100s to the 100,000s! Start with one set of 6 cards and then build up until you are sorting all 24...

Crab Number Sorting 6

Crab Number Sorting 6

We've made this set of Crab Number Sorting cards very challenging by adding in negative numbers, decimals to 3 places and numbers into the 100,000s - a great way to revise place value with the kids!

Crab Symmetry

Crab Symmetry

Can you complete this drawing of a crab using symmetry? An easier worksheet with a grid is also available. You could colour the crab in once you've finished!

Fish Maths Facts Colouring Page

Fish Maths Facts Colouring Page

Colour in this lovely fish - but first solve some simple sums to find the right colours! A great way to make maths fun, I'm sure you'll agree...

Fish Ordinal Numbers

Fish Ordinal Numbers

These large, cheerfully coloured fish are sure to brighten up the classroom! Have them swimming around the room in order or use them for sorting activities. This printable has 10 fish, 1st to 10th.

Fish Sorting By Size

Fish Sorting By Size

Here's a fun printable activity for younger children. Print out our fish printables, cut each one out, and ask the children to sort them by size. You could also look for other characteristics - number of fins, shape of snouts etc.

Lobster Symmetry

Lobster Symmetry

Can you use symmetry to complete the picture of this cheeky lobster? Younger children may find the grid version easier. 

Ordinal Numbers Gap Worksheet 1

Ordinal Numbers Gap Worksheet 1

This fun worksheet is idea beginners to ordinal numbers. Fill in the blanks in each row to practice the concept and writing of 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

Sea Creature Counting 1

Sea Creature Counting 1

Worksheet 1 of our sea creature counting worksheets asks children to count the sea creatures in each row, and write the correct number in the box.

Sea Creature Counting 2

Sea Creature Counting 2

Here are six sets of sea creatures to count up. Children then write the correct number in the box to the right.

Sea Creature Counting 3

Sea Creature Counting 3

Count up the sea creatures on this lovely jumbly worksheet, and write the correct number in the boxes. Why not laminate the colour version for repeat use?

Sea Creature Patterns 1

Sea Creature Patterns 1

Can the kids work out which sea creature is need to continue the pattern, and draw their own picture in the box? Choose from colour or black and white.

Sea creatures number line 0-10

Sea Creatures Number Line 0-10

Here are three easy-to-print number lines for early learning, with numbers 0 to 10 and some very cute sea creatures to help the kids learn to count!

Under the Sea Counting Scene Worksheet

Under the Sea Counting Scene Worksheet

There's so much detail on our delightful under the sea counting scene, bursting with sea creatures and shells - the kids will have to really concentrate to count the right number of each item! This would be a lovely picture to colour in afterwards too. 

More Sea Creature Fun

More Sea Creature Worksheets
More Sea Creature Worksheets

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