There are some easy words to do with the sense of hearing hidden in this word search, and some trickier ones too! We've included the solution in case you need it... Sense of hearing word search - Log in or Become a Member to downloadSense of hearing word search - solution - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillagePuzzlesWord SearchesTopicsFive SensesFive Senses PuzzlesFive Senses Vocabulary
Five Senses Word Search There are 12 words all to do with the 5 senses hidden inside this word search grid - can the kids find them all? We've included the solution too.
Sense Of Sight Word Search The kids can use their sense of sight to help them find the 20 words hidden in this fun but tricky word search...
Sense Of Smell Word Search There are some fun words associated with our sense of smell! We've hidden 20 of them in this word search grid for the kids to find...