Shaving Foam Marbled Hearts


Traditional marbling is fun but, with the oil paints involved, not at all suitable for younger children. Marbling with shaving foam is a great alternative - and so much fun!

Shaving Foam Marbled Hearts

You will need:

  • Shaving foam
  • Washable paint
  • Fork
  • Card
  • Instructions:

Fill a tray with shaving foam and flatten it out as much as you can (we dragged a ruler over the top).

Squirt paint on to the top.

Sam squirting paint onto the shaving foam tray
Sam squirting paint onto the shaving foam tray

Gently swirl patterns in the paint with a fork.

Swirling the shaving foam into patterns
Swirling the shaving foam into patterns

Our shaving foam ready for the next step
Our shaving foam ready for the next step

Cut hearts from the card.  

Press the card hearts onto the shaving foam. Press down to make sure as much of the card comes in contact with the paint, but don't get carried away!

Lift up and scrape off any shaving foam. Leave to dry.

One of our pretty marbled hearts!
One of our pretty marbled hearts!


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