Anagram Challenge
This is a very adaptable game, which can be fun at a party, mixed age gathering, a rainy afternoon or a plane journey! It takes a little preparation.
Age: 6+
Most of our party games and activities will be suitable for a slumber (sleepover) party, but you might find that the children will need one of two extra games that take some preparation from you in advance. A stock of "quiet" games which will keep their attention (and calm them down) is also vital!
This is a very adaptable game, which can be fun at a party, mixed age gathering, a rainy afternoon or a plane journey! It takes a little preparation.
Age: 6+
Here is an unusual party game which will get the children giggling! You would not believe how hard it is to play this until you try it yourself!
Age: 6+
You will need:
This is an excellent game for concentration, quiet, and learning about nature - although you don't have to tell the children that is what they are doing! Perhaps you could find a selection of flowers and compare the results? Play it on your own at home, or make it a party game.
This is a fun variation of "pass the parcel" which is suitable for even the youngest kids, and it has the advantage of not needing any prizes!
This is a great game for the beginning of a party, when you are still waiting for guests to arrive and you need to keep individual children amused...
Age: 4+
You will need:
Popularised as a "board game" which you can now buy in the shops, we have been playing this one for years in my family - and with much enjoyment too. It makes a great game for mixed age groups and works best as a sit-down game, perhaps in the early evening or after a meal.
This is probably my all-time favourite game, as it can be tailored for all occasions, works with all ages, breaks the ice when people don't know each other, and causes much merriment even when played with the best of friends.
This is a fun version of "Memory" which you can play with all age groups. We have a party version and a non-party version, both of which your kids will enjoy, as well as a version for one child to play on their own.
A good game to quieten down a party, this works well with mixed age groups and is also a fun activity to provide for bored kids at home on a rainy afternoon!
Age: 5+
Get your slumber party off to a good start with this funny name swapping game.
Age: 6+