Soccer Colouring Pages


You can't always get outside for a game of footie, but you can always enjoy these soccer colouring pages! We've also got soccer colouring pages where you can design or fill in your own "football kit" - or even design the kit for your whole team!

Boys Soccer Team Colouring Page

Boys Soccer Team Colouring Page

This boys soccer team colouring page has a banner at the back for you to add your own team's name or make one up. You can also colour the boys to match your favourite team strip, your own team's kit, or just make up a good one!

Family Football Colouring Postcard

Family Football Colouring Postcard

The picture on this colouring postcard - of a family football game at the beach - makes a fun colouring and writing activity for the kids. And you can really send the postcard, too!

Football Boots Colouring Page

Football Boots Colouring Page

Having had a football mad son I know what a difference a pair of football boots can make! Kids can colour this pair in to match the ones their favourite player wears, perhaps – or design their own style.

Football Boots Colouring Page 2

Football Boots Colouring Page 2

Colour in these football boots in traditional colours - or go really bright, like all the international football players are wearing these days!

Football Boy Colouring Page

Football Boy Colouring Page

A colouring picture of a boy and football. His kit has been left a blank canvas for you to add your favourite professional team's strip, your own team's kit, or one your've designed yourself. If this was being coloured in my house, he would be wearing Chelsea blue...

Football Characters Colouring Bookmarks

Football Characters Colouring Bookmarks

There fun bookmarks are ready to be coloured in by football fans all over the world! Kids can colour the players and supporter in their own favourite team's colours...

Football Fan Colouring Page

Football Fan Colouring Page

Here's a football fan to colour in, ready to support the Women's World Cup - or any football match, for that matter! You can colour the flag to suit your country, your school or your favourite team, too.

Football Match Colouring Page

Football Match Colouring Page

Here's an exciting woman's football match colouring page with lots of action going on and the whole crowd to colour too!

Football Teddy Bear Colouring Page

Football Teddy Bear Colouring Page

Everyone loves a game of football (or soccer) - and lots of kids love colouring in too. So here's a cute teddy bear football colouring page that you can enjoy, perhaps when the weather won't let you get outside, designed for your younger children.

Football Teddy Bear Colouring Page 2

Football Teddy Bear Colouring Page 2

Young football (soccer) fans are sure to enjoy colouring in this fun teddy bear colouring page, perhaps in their favourite team's colours? Imagine the crowd cheering you on as you run towards the goal...

Girls Soccer Team Colouring Page

Girls Soccer Team Colouring Page

Here's a picture of a girls' soccer team to print and colour. We've left a blank banner at the back for you to write on the name of an imaginery team - or perhaps your own.

Goalkeeper Colouring Page

Goalkeeper Colouring Page

Is playing goalie the most stressful position on a football pitch? This goalkeeper doesn't look too stressed! I hope the kids enjoy colouring him in

Goalkeeper Colouring Page 2

Goalkeeper Colouring Page 2

This goalkeeper looks ready to spring into action for her team, and keep the opposing team's ball out of the net at any cost!

Hat and Scarf Colouring Page

Hat and Scarf Colouring Page

Get dressed for winter in this woolly hat and scarf! The kids can colour it in any colour combination they like.

It's Coming Home Colouring Page

It's Coming Home Colouring Page

It's coming home ... it's coming home ... Football's coming home ... How many of us are singing along with that old song right now? Maybe 2024 will be the year that we win the Euro 2024 champtionships against Spain and bring the cup home!

Kicking A Ball Elephant Colouring Page 2

Kicking A Ball Elephant Colouring Page 2

We know lots of children who like to kick a ball about on a summer's day (or a winter's day, for that matter!), just like the elephant in this colouring page. Print and colour...

Lionel Messi Colouring Page

Lionel Messi Colouring Page

Have some fun with this simple Lionel Messi colouring page, aimed at younger children. He's such a football hero!

Looking Forward to Euro 2028

Looking Forward to Euro 2028

As soon as one football championship finishes, we start to look forward to the next one! Euro 2028 will be held in June and July 2028 in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, and the Republic of Ireland.

Pele Colouring Page

Pele Colouring Page

Many regard Pele as the greatest footballer of all time. Here's a fun cartoon-style picture of him for the kids to colour in.

Referee Colouring Page

Referee Colouring Page

Every soccer match has its referee, and here is one for the kids to colour in. Is he handing out a yellow card or a red card?

Referee Colouring Page 2

Referee Colouring Page 2

Here's a second referee colouring page - this one of a female ref. Is she giving a yellow card or a red card, I wonder!

Soccer Supporters Colouring Page

Soccer Supporters Colouring Page

Our kids are supporting their team at a soccer match, complete with funny hats and mascots! It makes a fun soccer colouring page for older kids to colour, with lots of interesting details...

South Africa Soccer City Colouring Page

South Africa Soccer City Colouring Page

Soccer City was made known throughout the world in the last World Cup. Here it is as a colouring page, complete with some young football fans to colour in!

Trophy Colouring Page

Trophy Colouring Page

Kids can colour in add appropriate wording on this football trophy colouring page. You could also use it as a writing frame.

Wembley Stadium Colouring Page

Wembley Stadium Colouring Page

Here's a fun, detailed colouring page of Wembley Stadium to print for the London Olympics or football fans! Best printed using your printer's borderless settings.

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Soccer Games

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