Alien Grid Copy
A funny little alien in his spaceship is the star of this grid copy puzzle, a test of observation skills. And once you've finished, you'll have two aliens to colour in!
Challenge the kids to these grid copy puzzles themed around space! Using the squares of the grid can help them to copy the pictures accurately across from left to right.
A funny little alien in his spaceship is the star of this grid copy puzzle, a test of observation skills. And once you've finished, you'll have two aliens to colour in!
Copy the planet Jupiter from the grid on the left to the empty grid on the right. There is lots of detail so take it one square at a time and count carefully!
The outline of the planet Mars is easy enough - but the craters and landscape will take some work! Grid copy activities make the process easier, though, as you can take them one square at a time, with some careful counting and copying.
Although copying the picture of the planet Mercury might seem tricky at first, if the kids count the squares carefully and copy each, one at a time, they will have their own Mercury picture before they know it!
Concentration and good observation skills are needed to complete this moon grid copy puzzle.
Copy the planet Neptune from the grid on the left to the grid on the right. It's a test of observation skills as well as counting and pencil control.
There are quite a few details to draw on this satellite. Copy the picture a square at a time to make it easier...
The planet Saturn has lots of appeal to kids with its unusual rings, so keep them busy drawing with the help of our Saturn grid copy puzzle.
Have fun following the squares one by one on this grid copy puzzle. It'll be a test of observation skills to get the pattern on the sun right!
Children can practise drawing circles and curved lines with the help of a grid to guide them and then end up with a picture of the planet Uranus to colour if they complete our grid copy puzzle.
Concentrate hard and follow the squares one at a time to complete this grid copy puzzle of the second planet from the sun, Venus.