Arachnids vs Insects Venn Diagram
Can the children compare and contrast the characteristics of arachnids and insects using this Venn diagram? It's perfect for practicing classifying and sorting in a visual way.
Explore our collection of fun spider-themed worksheets with the kids! We've got cute spider acrostic poetry printables, handwriting worksheets, spider fact-finding worksheets and lots more below. You might also want to take a look at our Life Cycle of a Spider resources.
Can the children compare and contrast the characteristics of arachnids and insects using this Venn diagram? It's perfect for practicing classifying and sorting in a visual way.
A dancing row of spiders decorate this fun writing paper - perfect for Halloween or a spider theme.
The children can practice their handwriting skills and learn some useful terms and vocabulary describing the life cycle of a spider too, with these helpful handwriting worksheets.
We've got three versions of our life cycle of a spider labeling worksheet to choose from.
Have a go at an acrostic poem using the first letters from the word SPIDER, and write it down on this lovely acrostic paper! You can use the printable as a writing frame, too.
Our spider acrostic poem printable is a fun creative writing activity for Halloween or a minibeast project. There are 4 versions to choose from in one downloadable pdf.
This spider and web story paper is ideal for younger children at Halloween - they can enjoy colouring in the picture once they've done a little creative writing. Choose from two versions below: lined or handwriting lines.
Four cheeky spiders have woven a web for the children to practise their scissor skills on! Perfect for Halloween, an insect theme, or any time at all...
This helpful fact-finding worksheet is a great way to kick off learning about spiders and asks the children to find out some basic facts including habitat, diet, size, lifespan, and behavior.
Spiders have always been a source of fascination for humans, and over time many myths and misconceptions have evolved about these interesting creatures. This fun worksheet asks the children to separate spider facts from fiction! We've included the answers on the last page.
Our spider finger tracing worksheet is perfect for younger children, who can colour in the picture and then "finger trace" the letters below.
Here is another of our fun handwriting worksheets – this one using the word "spider".
Practise spelling with this cute spider spelling jigsaw! Cut into strips along the dotted lines and ask the kids to rearrange the pieces to complete the picture and spell the word.
Write a spooky Halloween story, practice handwriting skills by copying out the nursery rhyme Incy Wincy Spider, write a story about life as a spider or pull together a factual piece of research. I'm sure there are many other ways you can think of to use out spider story paper.
Use our spider story paper to tell a spooky story or write some facts about these eight-legged creatures! We have lined and handwriting lined versions available for different ages and abilities.
Draw the other 4 legs to complete the spider on this spider symmetry worksheet. Try to make your drawing a mirror image of the printed spider half.
Trace the front legs and body to finish off our spider tracing page, fun for Halloween or a minibeast project.
This spider web tracing page is quite a challenge - especiay if you tracing over all the dotted lines rather than in between them! When the kids have traced the web, why not suggest that they draw a spider onto it?
Trace over the dotted letters to write the word "spider" – and then colour in the picture.
A trip to the library or an internet search will help children do the research they need to complete this spider fact finding worksheet.
The word "web" is a nice short word to learn to spell - so this jigsaw is perfect for early learners, especially at Halloween! Cut into strips along the dotted lines and let children rearrange the pieces to complete the picture and spell the word.