Spooky Window Ghosts


Here is a very easy Halloween craft for all ages of children. Even though the ghosts are simple, they kept my kids amused for a long time and my daughter Tilly, having made many in miniature, used to get them out of their "ghost house", line them up carefully and count them before putting them back, over and over again!

Spooky Window Ghosts

You will need:

Used tumble-dryer fragrance sheets
A black pen
Optional - an empty film canister or other small, safe container

Cut ghostly shapes out of the dryer sheets and draw simple faces on them. Make them all shapes and sizes, smiley and spooky! Use tiny pieces of sticky-tack, positioned over their eyes, to stick them onto windows or mirrors. They look particularly effective and ethereal if the light comes in behind them.

My 4-year old loved the little ghosts we made so much that we kept on making them, cutting several out at once and getting smaller and smaller! We then stored about 30 of them in one tiny film canister, and this became one of her special treasures, going everywhere in her pocket. She stands high on a chair and sprinkles them over her friends, who squeal with delight as they catch them and put them back in the canister to start all over again ...... proof that the simple things really can provide the most amusement!


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