Sports Posters


Here is a fun collection of posters for all of the sports that we cover at Activity Village. Put them up on display to encourage kids to try something new, use them in projects or perhaps cut out the pictures to decorate folders, school books etc.

Alpine Skiing Poster

Alpine Skiing Poster

Enjoy this alpine skiing poster. You can almost hear him swooshing down the slope! This would make a great display with some of our other skiing posters, such as nordic combined and freestyle!

American Football Helmet Poster

American Football Helmet Poster

Watch any American football game and you can see why these helmets are important! Here is a simple photographic poster of a plain helmet to print for display.

American Football Poster

American Football Poster

This is just a simple photographic poster of an American football, lying in wait and tempting a game! Print it with your borderless settings for best results.

American Football Poster

American Football Poster

Here is our lovely American Footballer in poster form, ready to print out! Why not cut him out and use him to decorate a folder or school book?

Archery Poster

Archery Poster

Another in our sports posters collection, this one is for archery...

Athletics Poster

Athletics Poster

Print out our athletics poster for younger kids, for display or to use in projects, perhaps. The simple outlines make it perfect for cutting and sticking, too.

Badminton Poster

Badminton Poster

Just a simple poster of a child playing badminton - quick to print and fun to display at home or in the classroom.

Baseball Poster

Baseball Poster

Here's a simple, illustrated baseball poster, ready to print and display.

Basketball Poster

Basketball Poster

Here's a fun basketball poster to print, for younger kids. Use it for display, or perhaps for cutting and sticking.

Biathlon Poster

Biathlon Poster

Ready for the Winter Olympics, here's a simple poster of a biathlon athlete ready for the rifle shooting part of the competition.

Bobsled Poster

Bobsled Poster

Here's a fun poster of a two-man bobsled ready to head down the track...

Boxing Poster

Boxing Poster

Here's a simple boxing poster to print for younger kids. With simple outlines, it also makes a good cutting and sticking picture for young boxing fans!

Canoeing Poster

Canoeing Poster

This bright and cheerful canoeing poster is easy to print and perfect for a sports or Olympic games display. 

Cricket Poster

Cricket Poster

The cricketer in our fun little poster isn't in cricket whites, so maybe he is playing a one-day match.

Cross Country Skiing Poster

Cross Country Skiing Poster

This cross country skiing poster is very colourful and cheerful. Print out for home or classroom, and take a look at our other Winter Olympic posters too.

Curling Poster

Curling Poster

Curling is a sport that we don't hear much about until Winter Olympics time. Here is a fun poster to display, use in projects etc.

Cycling Poster

Cycling Poster

Do your kids dream of being champion cyclists when they grow up? Here's a fun poster to inspire them...

Cycling Poster 2

Cycling Poster 2

This fun illustration of a racing cyclist might be useful for display during the Olympics or Tour de France, perhaps?

David Beckham Poster

David Beckham Poster

Print out this poster for younger David Beckham fans! It would be fun on a bedroom wall, perhaps...

Dom Parsons Poster

Dom Parsons Poster

Dom Parsons ended a 70-year wait for a British man to win a medal in the Skeleton event when he won bronze in the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics . Here's a poster to print and display to celebrate his fantastic achievement.

Equestrianism Poster

Equestrianism Poster

Inspire the children to try riding! Here's a fun poster showing a very smart equestrian to print out and display. Simple outlines mean you can cut out the picture for sticking elsewhere, too.

Fencing Poster

Fencing Poster

Here's a simple illustrated fencing poster for younger kids, from our sports posters series.

Figure Skating Poster

Figure Skating Poster

This figure skating poster would be great as part of a sports or Winter Olympics display.

Football Boots Poster

Football Boots Poster

Here's another football (or soccer) poster to add to our collection of illustrated sports posters - this one showing some very sporty football boots.

Football Characters Poster

Football Characters Poster

What do you need for a football game? Some players, a goalie, a good referee and supporters! You'll find them all in this fun poster.

Football Collage Poster

Football Collage Poster

There are lots of familiar football objects on this football collage poster. You could use it simply for display, or to talk or write about the objects the kids can see.

Football Supporter Poster

Football Supporter Poster

We love this cheeky football supporter, so we thought we put him on a poster for display – or cutting out and sticking!

Footballer Poster 2

Footballer Poster 2

Print this illustrated picture of a footballer for display – or for cutting and sticking, or decorating books and folders. Kids could come in his football shirt to match their own or their favourite team.

Freestyle Skiing Poster

Freestyle Skiing Poster

This freestyle skiing poster (with or without title) would look great on the wall in the classroom or at home. 

Goalkeeper Poster

Goalkeeper Poster

Here is another in our set of football posters – this one showing the indispensable goalkeeper!

Golf Poster

Golf Poster

Is your child a fan of golf? Here's our golf illustration in coloured poster form to print out and display.

Gymnastics Poster

Gymnastics Poster

Print this cute gymnastics poster showing some pummel horse skills!

Gymnastics Poster

Gymnastics Poster

This fun printable gymnastics poster shows what looks like the finish to a spectacular floor display!

Handball Poster

Handball Poster

Handball is becoming more popular around the world and is one of the Summer Olympics sports. Here's a fun illustrated poster to print.

Hockey Poster

Hockey Poster

Here's a simple field hockey poster to print and display, use in project or perhaps cut out for sticking elsewhere.

Ice Hockey Poster

Ice Hockey Poster

Ice hockey is the national winter sport of Canada but of course it is enjoyed all over the world, particularly in the colder areas of Europe, Scandinavia and north America. This poster really captures the excitement of a match - but there is nothing like watching one live!

Ice Hockey Poster

Ice Hockey Poster

Here's a fun illustrated ice hockey poster to print, just one of many in our sports posters series.

Ice Hockey Poster 2

Ice Hockey Poster 2

This happy ice hockey player makes a great poster. Maybe for the Winter Olympics?

Ice Skating Poster

Ice Skating Poster

Have you ever tried ice skating? It's harder than it looks, but gets easier with practise! The children on this poster seem to have got the hang of it though...

Ice Skating Poster

Ice Skating Poster

One of the more graceful sports! Here's an ice skating poster to print and display.

Izzy Atkin Poster

Izzy Atkin Poster

Print and display this poster of freestyle skier Izzy Atkin celebrating winning a bronze medal in the slopestyle event at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.

Jenny Jones Poster

Jenny Jones Poster

This fun poster of Jenny Jones, displaying her bronze Slopestyle medal and clutching her snowboard, might be fun to display in the classroom as a reminder of her fantastic achievement in the Sochi Olympics...

Judo Poster

Judo Poster

Judo fans will enjoy this fun judo poster - it's ready to print and display.

Lacrosse Poster

Lacrosse Poster

Lacrosse is a popular game for men and women, boys and girls, all over the world. It originated, and is particular popular, in North America and Canada.

Lionel Messi Poster

Lionel Messi Poster

This poster of Lionel Messi would be great displayed on the wall of a bedroom or playroom, for a young football fan!

Lizzy Yarnold Colouring Page

Lizzy Yarnold Colouring Page

Lizzy Yarnold is the most successful British Winter Olympian of all time, and also the most successful Olympic Skeleton competitor ever - what an achievement! Have fun colouring in our picture of this inspirational athlete.

Lizzy Yarnold Poster

Lizzy Yarnold Poster

Celebrate skeleton racer Lizzy Yarnold becoming the most successful British Winter Olympian of all time by printing and displaying this poster of her celebrating her fantastic gold medal at the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympics.

Luge Poster

Luge Poster

Just for fun, a poster of a luge athlete - ready for the Winter Olympics perhaps!

Netball Poster

Netball Poster

Here's a fun netball poster to print out - for display, to use in a project, or perhaps to cut out and stick elsewhere...

Nordic Combined Poster

Nordic Combined Poster

The Nordic combined event is a winter sport in which contestants compete at both cross-country skiing and ski jumping. Nordic has been part of the Winter Olympics since 1924. Here's a fun poster to print for display - one with words and one without.

Referee Poster

Referee Poster

The referee in our fun football poster is looking very annoyed about what just happened – and he's holding up a red card!

Rowing Poster

Rowing Poster

Here's a coloured version of our rowing illustration to print as a poster for display - just one in our sports posters series.

Rugby Ball Dot to Dot

Rugby Ball Dot to Dot

Finish the picture of a rugby ball by joining up the dots with numbers 1 to 12. Nice and easy rugby fun for younger kids!

Rugby Poster

Rugby Poster

We have posters for all the sports covered at Activity Village, and here's one for rugby enthusiasts! Aimed at younger children, obviously, it makes a great front cover for a book of match reports...

Rugby Poster 2

Rugby Poster 2

Here's a poster of a rugby match in full swing, and it looks like it's getting rather muddy! 

Shooting Poster

Shooting Poster

Use this shooting poster as part of your Commonwealth Games display. Shooting is one of 17 sports that will form the Games this year.

Skeleton Sled Poster

Skeleton Sled Poster

Would you like to dive head-first onto a steel sled and hurtle down an ice-track at more than 80 miles (140 km) an hour? Not me! Here's a poster of the skeleton event for you to print and display. Choose from two version, with word and without.

Ski Jumping Poster

Ski Jumping Poster

We've captured the thrill of the ski jump in this fun printable poster! Choose from one with words and one without...

Skiing Poster

Skiing Poster

Have you ever tried skiing, or maybe you'd like to give it a go, like this child on our fun poster? This poster is perfect for a winter theme.

Snowboarding Poster

Snowboarding Poster

Snowboarding is such a cool sport, but it is also a serious Winter Olympics event, hotly contested by countries around the world. Here's our fun snowboarding poster to print and display, with word or without.

Soccer Collage Poster

Soccer Collage Poster

All you really need for a game of soccer is a football and some players – but the other items on our soccer poster might prove useful too!

Speed Skating Poster

Speed Skating Poster

Choose from two fun posters of a speed skater - one with wording and one without. Perfect for the Winter Olympics!

Squash Poster

Squash Poster

Use this squash poster for display - perhaps for the Commonwealth Games?

Sumo Wrestling Poster

Sumo Wrestling Poster

Here is our funny sumo wrestling illustration in poster form - just print and display.

Surf Board Poster

Surf Board Poster

This simple poster shows an illustration of a surf board - perfect for vocab work or for cutting out and using in your sporty seaside displays!

Swimming Pool Poster

Swimming Pool Poster

Swimming is one of our favourite activities, and there is nothing better than enjoying a splash in an open air pool or the sea in the summer. This photographic poster captures the mood perfectly!

Swimming Poster

Swimming Poster

Print out this swimming poster with fun illustration for display or projects.

Table Tennis Poster

Table Tennis Poster

Here is our table tennis illustration in poster form, to print and display or use in projects.

Taekwondo Poster

Taekwondo Poster

Are the kids interested in learning taekwondo? Here's a fun poster to print...

Tennis Poster

Tennis Poster

Here's a fun illustrated tennis poster to print out for younger kids.

Triathlon Poster

Triathlon Poster

Here's a fun poster depicting the three sports involved in a triathlon - swimming, cycling and running. I feel exhausted just looking at it!

Trophy Poster

Trophy Poster

Here is a football trophy worth competing for! We've kept the outline on this trophy poster simple so that the kids can cut it out if they want. Why not get them to add their own words to the trophy…

Water Polo Poster

Water Polo Poster

Did you know that water polo developed in Britain around 1870? Here's our fun cartoon style poster for the sport.

Weightlifting Poster

Weightlifting Poster

Here's a fun cartoon weightlifting poster to print and display, use in a project or cut out.

Wrestling Poster

Wrestling Poster

Here's a fun illustrated poster with some very cute wrestlers depicted, perfect for classroom displays!

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