Sports Tracing Pages


Work on pencil control with these fun sports themed tracing pages, which can be enjoyed by a range of ages. Younger children can simply trace in the channels between the dotted lines with a crayon or felt-tip pen. Older kids can trace over all the dotted lines, perhaps using coloured pencils for a more interesting picture. We have lots of sports in this collection!

Badminton Player Tracing Page 1

Badminton Player Tracing Page 1

The outline of this badminton player tracing page is perfect for younger children, who can trace between the dotted lines. Older children can trace around both lines for more practice.

Badminton Player Tracing Page 2

Badminton Player Tracing Page 2

Just for fun, let the kids trace this badminton player and racket! Younger children can trace between the lines; older children should trace both sets of lines for extra practice.

Baseball Player Tracing Page

Baseball Player Tracing Page

Children will get plenty of tracing practice with this fun baseball player tracing printable! There are lots of dotted lines to trace over...

Baseball Player Tracing Page 1

Baseball Player Tracing Page 1

Trace over the dotted lines of our first baseball player tracing page for plenty of pencil control practice. Younger children might want to colour in the picture, too.

Basketball Player Tracing Page

Basketball Player Tracing Page

There are double lines in this basketball player tracing page to give the kids lots of practice! Either trace over all of them, or use them as a "channel" and trace between.

Basketball Player Tracing Page

Basketball Player Tracing Page

The kids can have fun tracing over the dotted lines on our basketball player tracing picture. Younger children can trace between the dotted lines; older children directly on them.

Boxer Tracing Page

Boxer Tracing Page

The outline of this boxer tracing page is perfect for younger children, who can trace between the dotted lines. Older children can trace around both lines for more practice.

Cricketer Tracing Page 1

Cricketer Tracing Page 1

Here is the first of two fun cricketer tracing pages for kids - this one of a male cricketer. Younger children can trace between the dotted lines with a crayon or pencil. Older children can trace over all the dotted lines.

Cricketer Tracing Page 2

Cricketer Tracing Page 2

Kids can work on their pencil control with the second of our two cricketer tracing pages, this one featuring a female cricketer. Younger children can trace the channels between the dotted lines; older kids can trace all the lines.

Cyclist Tracing Page

Cyclist Tracing Page

Trace the dotted lines of this cyclist and bike - perfect for a sports-themed pencil control activity. Younger children can trace in the "channels", more confident children directly on the lines.

 Fencer Tracing Page

Fencer Tracing Page

There are lots of dotted lines to trace on the fencer's mask on this tracing page! A fun way to practise pencil control...

Footballer Tracing Page 1

Footballer Tracing Page 1

Here's a fun tracing page of a woman footballer - a fun way to work on pencil control. Younger children can trace between the dotted lines. Older kids can trace on them, perhaps using a variety of different colours.

Footballer Tracing Page 2

Footballer Tracing Page 2

Trace the footballer and football - it's good pencil control practice! Younger children can trace between the dotted lines. Older kids can trace over all of them, perhaps in a variety of colours.

Golf Tracing Page

Golf Tracing Page

Trace around the dotted lines of this golf tracing page, then colour it in. Lots of pencil practice involved!

Golfer Tracing Page 1

Golfer Tracing Page 1

The outline of this golfer tracing page is perfect for younger children, who can trace between the dotted lines. Older children can trace around both lines for more practice.

Golfer Tracing Page 2

Golfer Tracing Page 2

Trace over the dotted lines on the second of our golfer tracing pages and create a picture. Younger children can trace between the dotted lines; older children directly on them.


Golfer Tracing Page 2

Golfer Tracing Page 2

Here's another golfer for the kids to trace, complete with one of her golf clubs.

Ice Hockey Tracing Page 1

Ice Hockey Tracing Page 1

There are lots of dotted lines to trace on this ice hockey player tracing page, perfect for pencil control practise! Younger children could trace in the channel between the dotted lines.

Ice Skater Tracing Page 1

Ice Skater Tracing Page 1

Trace around the dotted lines of this ice skater tracing page, then colour it in. Lots of pencil practice involved!

Ice Skater Tracing Page 2

Ice Skater Tracing Page 2

Younger kids will love tracing carefully over the many lines in this ice skater tracing page - and there is an ice skate to trace as well! Colour the picture in when done.

Judoka Tracing Page 1

Judoka Tracing Page 1

Trace the dotted lines on our judoka tracing page - great for practising pencil control.

Judoka Tracing Page 2

Judoka Tracing Page 2

A judoka is someone who practises judo. Can the kids trace the picture of the judoka on this page?

Rugby Player Tracing Page

Rugby Player Tracing Page

Trace around the dotted lines of this rugby player tracing page, then colour it in. Lots of pencil practice involved!

Skier Tracing Page

Skier Tracing Page

The outline of this skier tracing page is perfect for younger children, who can trace between the dotted lines. Older children can trace around both lines for more practice.

Sumo Wrestler Tracing Page

Sumo Wrestler Tracing Page

Younger kids will love tracing carefully over the lines in this fun sumo wrestler tracing page. Colour the picture in when done.

Surfboard Tracing Page

Surfboard Tracing Page

Trace around the dotted lines of this surfboard tracing page, then colour it in. Lots of pencil practice involved!

Surfer Tracing Page

Surfer Tracing Page

Kids can work on their pencil control with our surfer tracing page. Younger children can trace the channels between the dotted lines; older kids can trace all the lines. Perfect for a summer theme!

Surfer Tracing Page

Surfer Tracing Page

Here's a woman surfer - complete with surf board - for the kids to trace and colour.

Swimmer Tracing Page 1

Swimmer Tracing Page 1

Trace over the dotted lines on our swimmer tracing page for some fun pencil practice. Why not colour in the picture too?

Swimming Tracing Page

Swimming Tracing Page

The kids can have fun tracing over the dotted lines on our swimmer tracing picture. Younger children can trace between the dotted lines; older children directly on them.

Swimming Tracing Page 2

Swimming Tracing Page 2

Here's a fun tracing activity for summer or a sports theme. Trace the dotted lines of this swimmer sat by the side of the pool. Younger children can trace in the "channels", more confident children directly on the lines.

Table Tennis Player Tracing Page 1

Table Tennis Player Tracing Page 1

This table tennis player tracing page is quite a challenge, whether you choose to trace between the dotted lines (younger kids) or over all the dotted lines.

Table Tennis Player Tracing Page 2

Table Tennis Player Tracing Page 2

Here's a sports-themed tracing page for your youngest children to enjoy, featuring a male table tennis player! There are two sets of dotted lines for extra practice - although beginners might want to draw one line between them.

Tennis Player Tracing Page

Tennis Player Tracing Page

Trace over the dotted lines on this tennis player tracing page and create a picture. Younger children can trace between the dotted lines; older children directly on them.

Tennis Player Tracing Page 1

Tennis Player Tracing Page 1

This is the first of our tennis player tracing pages for kids - this one of a woman tennis player. Younger children can trace between the dotted lines with a crayon or pencil, and older children can trace over all the dotted lines.

Tennis Player Tracing Page 2

Tennis Player Tracing Page 2

A fun way to build pencil control, this tracing page features the outline of a tennis player and tennis racket. 

Volleyball Player Tracing Page 1

Volleyball Player Tracing Page 1

Trace over the dotted lines of our volleyball player tracing page for plenty of pencil control practice. Perfect for a sports topic!

Volleyball Player Tracing Page 2

Volleyball Player Tracing Page 2

Trace the lines on our volleyball player - excellent practice for little kids! Why not laminate so that you can have another go later?

Weightlifter Tracing Page 1

Weightlifter Tracing Page 1

Here's an interesting tracing page for the kids, featuring a weightlifter! Trace the dotted lines for some excellent pencil control practice, then you can colour in the finished result!

Weightlifter Tracing Page 2

Weightlifter Tracing Page 2

Get the pencils out and have some fun tracing the dotted lines on this weightlifter tracing page – perfect for sport-themed activities.

More Sports Themed Fun

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Sports Playdough Mats

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