Spring Paper Plate Craft


There is lots of painting and cutting and sticking on this spring paper plate craft - always a sign of a good craft! The children will enjoy moving the butterflies and bees around when the craft is complete.

 Spring Paper Plate Craft

You will need:

  • Paper Plate
  • Paint
  • Scissors and glue
  • Lolly sticks
  • Our printable (optional, below)


  • Carefully cut a line in the middle of the plate using a craft knife or sharp scissors. You might need a grown up to help you with this.
  • Decorate your paper plate so that it looks like a spring day.
  • Draw a bee and a butterfly onto some card. Colour them in and cut them out. (Or, colour in and cut out one of the pictures on our printable.)
  • Poke a lolly stick through the hole in the paper plate. Stick a butterfly or a bee onto it and you can move the stick around to make the butterfly or bee look like it is flying.

Another version of our spring paper plate craft
Another version of our spring paper plate craft


Spring paper plate craft printable


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