Spring Writing Prompts


Whether you are looking for inspiration for spring themed poetry or story writing we hope you'll find it here.

Butterfly Story Starter

Butterfly Story Starter

If I could fly like a butterfly ...

What would the kids do if they could fly like a butterfly? Use this simple story starter page to find out.

Butterfly Story Starter 2

Butterfly Story Starter 2

What happens next in this story? We've worded it so that kids can take it in many different directions, and it will be fun to see what they come up with.

Spring Scene Posters

Spring Scene Posters

We've got adorable ducklings, pretty tulips and blossom and lots more in this beautiful collection of eight spring posters. They are designed to work along side our scene writing prompt worksheet but they are also perfect for brightening up your classroom or home!

Spring Scene Writing Prompt Slideshow

Spring Scene Writing Prompt Slideshow

This spring scene writing prompt slideshow is a fun way to inspire some creative writing! Ask the kids to watch the slideshow on your computer screen or whiteboard, then have a fun brainstorming session afterwards to get them putting pen to paper! 

Spring Scene Writing Prompt Story Paper

Spring Scene Writing Prompt Story Paper

We've got 8 lovely spring scenes in this writing prompt/story paper pack. Each page has a spring-themed photograph at the top with lines underneath for writing - perfect for nature studies or creative writing!

Spring Scene Writing Prompt Worksheets

Spring Scene Writing Prompt Worksheets

Spark off some creative writing with the help of our lovely spring writing prompts. The kids can choose one of the spring-themed pictures then fill in the boxes using the prompts to plan a spring tale!

Spring Sensory Poem Similes

Spring Sensory Poem Similes

Writing similes is a great way to start a poem, and we've started the kids off with a list of sensory simile prompts to help them write a poem about Spring. What does spring look, smell, sound, taste and feel like?

Spring Tree Story Starter

Spring Tree Story Starter

Can the kids write about what happens next in this spring tree story starter? A great way to get even reluctant writers putting pen to paper...

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