St Andrew's Day Puzzles


Here is a fun collection of Scottish themed puzzles for kids, all perfect for your St Andrew's Day activities and celebrations! Print some for the classroom on St Andrew's Day, perhaps? We've got puzzles to suit a wide range of ages.

Complete the Scottish Boy Puzzle

Complete the Scottish Boy Puzzle

Here's an imcomplete picture of a Scottish boy in traditional dress, as well as a complete version. Use one to finish off the other, and then colour in...

Complete the Scottish Girl Puzzle

Complete the Scottish Girl Puzzle

Can the kids finish the missing parts of the grid picture by copying the complete picture of a little girl in traditional Scottish dress? Now how about colouring her in?

How Many Haggises Word Search

How Many Haggises Word Search

Here's a fun (slightly silly!) word search to enjoy for Burns Night, or for any Scotland themed event. How many times can you find the word "haggis" in the grid?

Loch Ness Monster Grid Copy

Loch Ness Monster Grid Copy

Test children's observation and concentration skills by asking them to copy the squares one by one to compete this Loch Ness monster grid copy puzzle.

Saint Andrew Word Search

Saint Andrew Word Search

We've hidden 12 words associated with Saint Andrew in the word search grid. Can you find them all? Solution available below too.

Scotland Alphabet Challenge

Scotland Alphabet Challenge

Can you come up with a word for each letter of the alphabet, all to do with Scotland? Some of the letters might be tricky...

Scotland Word Search

Scotland Word Search

Challenge the kids to find the Scottish-themed words in this Scotland word search puzzle to print.

Scottie Dog Grid Copy

Scottie Dog Grid Copy

This scottie dog provides a lovely simple outline to copy and is a perfect introduction to our grid copy puzzles.

Thistle Grid Copy

Thistle Grid Copy

Here's a fun way to learn to draw a thistle - or just to get the kids concentrating hard for a while! Copy the thistle from left to right one square at a time.

More St Andrew's Day Resources

Saint Andrew
Saint Andrew

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