A sufganiyot is a type of round doughnut filled with jelly and covered with powdered sugar, eaten around the word for the festival of Hannukkah. This poster features a tray of these tasty treats!
Latkes are a shallow-fried pancake usually made from shredded potatoes, eggs, onions and salt, cooked on Hanukkah to commemorate the miracle of the menorah oil in the Jewish temple. Print this poster to use as part of a Hanukkah display, or for projects and crafts.
Here's a beautiful poster of a menorah, the nine-branched candelabrum lit during the eight-day holiday of Hanukkah. Print and use for Hanukkah displays and topic work.
This colourful Happy Hanukkah poster cleverly features a menorah in place of the letter 'u', and is perfect for brightening up any Hanukkah display at home or in the classroom.