Aeroplane Dot to Dot
Follow the numbers 1 to 15 to complete the outside of this aeroplane. We also have an "airplane" version to download and print below.
Keep children busy this summer holiday with some fun summer themed dot to dot puzzles.
Follow the numbers 1 to 15 to complete the outside of this aeroplane. We also have an "airplane" version to download and print below.
This simple beach ball dot to dot is a fun way to help young children enjoy practising pencil control skills. Help them join the dots from 1 to 10 and then enjoy colouring in the ball in nice bright colours.
The dots on this dot to dot beach ball are times table practice in disguise! Choose the table your child is learning below - from 2s to 10s.
This bee dot to dot is nice and simple for younger children. Follow the numbers one to ten to draw the bee's body and then get out the crayons and colour it in.
Have fun practising the alphabet or counting with our lovely bird dot to dot puzzle. Don't forget to colour the picture in when you have finished joining the dots.
This bonfire dot to dot needs careful observation skills to follow the dots in the right order and draw the flickering flames.
Children need to follow the numbers 1 to 10 with their crayon to complete this seaside bucket dot to dot, getting counting and pencil control practice at the same time.
Join the dots on this beach bucket and practise your times tables at the same time! Choose from 2s to 10s below.
Join the dots to reveal a pretty butterfly, then colour it in!
The simplest of our bufferfly dot to dots still provides a fun challenge. There are 26 dots to trace around, and you can choose from numbers or lower or upper case alphabet.
This stick is missing the ice lolly. Children need to carefully follow the numbers 1 to 10 to draw the outline on this ice lolly dot to dot and then they can decorate the lolly.
Kids can skip count their way around the picture to draw an ice lolly - practising their tables at the same time! It's a fun dot to dot puzzle with a secret.
Our sea shell dot to dot has a simple curved outline and the numbers 1 to 12. Don't forget to encourage children to colour their sea shell once they have joined the dots.
Here's a dot to dot with a times tables difference! Join up the dots to form a picture, but choose the times table your child is working on first.
This strawberry dot to dot will help children practise counting numbers up to twelve as they join the dots to complete the yummy looking strawberry.
Join the dots on this strawberry picture and practice your times tables as you do it! Skip count by 2s, 3s and so on, all the way up to 10s. Fun!
This simple introduction to dot to dots is a perfect way to introduce them to young children. Have them follow the dots slowly counting out loud as they complete our sun dot to dot.
Join the dots on this sun picture - by 2s, 3s, 4s and so on, all the way up to 10s. It's a fun way to practice your times tables!
Our sunflower dot to dot asks children to join the dots 1 - 20 to draw in petals and a stem for this sunflower. Make sure you have a yellow crayon ready to colour those petals nice and bright.
Practice times tables with this sunflower skip counting dot to dot - counting from 2s to 10s. How to make times tables fun!