Spread A Little Sunshine Blank Joke Sheet
Why not suggest that the kids write down one of their favourite jokes to send to a friend or family member, on this fun paper? Slice the page in half to get two A5 size pages - not too intimidating!
NEW! There's nothing like a good giggle - and that's what this summer jokes page is all about! You can enjoy this collection of summer jokes as bookmarks (48 of them!) or a lunch box notes, or print out our summer jokes printables for the kids to read and share with their friends.
Why not suggest that the kids write down one of their favourite jokes to send to a friend or family member, on this fun paper? Slice the page in half to get two A5 size pages - not too intimidating!
With 48 joke bookmarks in this pack, we've got enough for class or two - they would make a fun little teacher gift to hand out at the end of term to encourage some summer reading! They would be perfect for the library too, perhaps as a reward for each book read and returned over the summer?
These printable note-sized summer jokes - 48 of them! - are perfect for a bit of fun in the last week before the summer holidays, picnics, or if the kids are taking a packed lunch to a summer holiday club.
You'll find 3 full pages of jokes for the kids to enjoy in this summer jokes printable. The jokes are lots of fun for long journeys, camping trips or for having a giggle at the end of the school year!