Summer Lacing Cards


Our summer lacing cards are not only quick to print and make and fun for the kids to do, they are also great at encouraging hand-eye co-ordination and fine motor skills development. Just print them out onto card, cut out and punch the appropriate number of holes around the edges for the stage of your child. You could laminate the cards for repeat use. Why not get a couple ready for journeys to the beach or on holiday?

Beach Ball Lacing Card

Beach Ball Lacing Card

This gorgeous beach ball lacing card has the simplest of outlines, making it perfect for your youngest children. Just cut out, punch and lace...  

Bee Lacing Card

Bee Lacing Card

Here's a cute bee lacing card for preschool kids. Just print the pdf file below onto card, cut out, laminate if you wish and punch holes ready for your child to thread.

Butterfly Lacing Card

Butterfly Lacing Card

Here's a fun butterfly lacing card to print, cut out and laminate for developing fine motor control in younger children.

Butterfly Lacing Card 1

Butterfly Lacing Card 1

How pretty is this butterfly lacing card? Perfect for a spring or summer lacing activity for little ones, who will enjoy its simple, chunky shape and the gorgeous spring pink colour.

Butterfly Lacing Card 2

Butterfly Lacing Card 2

Colourful and chunky, this butterfly lacing card is perfect for younger children and a great extra activity for spring and summer, or a butterfly topic.

Butterfly Lacing Card 3

Butterfly Lacing Card 3

This butterfly lacing card has an added benefit - the kids get to colour it in first! That will make it an extra special activity when they lace it too.

Flower Lacing Card 2

Flower Lacing Card 2

Our second flower lacing card is perfect for beginners, with a nice simple outline. Older kids could embellish the details of the flower with extra stitches.

Flower Lacing Card 3

Flower Lacing Card 3

Here's a fun flower lacing card for more dexterous kids. Turning the corners on those petals will require a little bit of skill!

Flower Lacing Card 4

Flower Lacing Card 4

Our 4th flower lacing card has a distinctly tropic feel! With it's lovely bright pink, this hibiscus makes a super lacing card for summer...

Ice Cream Lacing Card

Ice Cream Lacing Card

One of the nicest things about summer, in my opinion, is treating yourself to an ice-cream cone like this one! Print it out onto card and punch holes around the edges for the kids to sew up...

Ice Cream Lacing Card 2

Ice Cream Lacing Card 2

Print our ice cream lacing card on to card, cut out and laminate before punching holes around the edge for children to practice lacing a piece of yarn through. They could try making patterns by lacing across the card.

Ice Lolly Lacing Card

Ice Lolly Lacing Card

This lovely, simple ice lolly lacing card is perfect for a food theme, for the seaside, or for summer! Punch holes around the edge of the lolly and give the kids a bright coloured wool to lace it up.

Life Belt Lacing Card

Life Belt Lacing Card

Here's a fun life belt lacing card for a boating or seaside holiday! Cut out of card and punch holes around the edges for the children to lace or sew.

Rose Lacing Card

Rose Lacing Card

Lace around this lovely red rose for Valentine's Day, Mother's Day or summer, perhaps. Cut out and laminate, then punch holes around the edge. Older children could use a blunt needle to punch smaller holes along the inside black lines and stitch along them with running stitch.

Sandcastle Lacing Card

Sandcastle Lacing Card

Make this lovely sandcastle lacing kids for the kids to lace up with brown or yellow wool. Older kids could pick out the details - for example, the yellow stars or the window and door - with running stitch.

Sea Shell Lacing Card

Sea Shell Lacing Card

Here's another lovely sea shell lacing card - this card an interesting blue conch shell shape.

Seaside Bucket Lacing Card

Seaside Bucket Lacing Card

It wouldn't be a trip to the seaside without a bucket - perfect for making sandcastles or collecting crabs and shells, and other seaside-y stuff. Here's a fun lacing card for younger kids, perfect for keeping them busy on the journey to or from the seaside, perhaps?

Starfish Lacing Card 2

Starfish Lacing Card 2

This starfish lacing card has a simple outline, making it especially quick to make and suitable for younger children.

Strawberry Lacing Card

Strawberry Lacing Card

Why not get the kids to lace this massive strawberry this summer - what a fun and unusual lacing card for them to try!

Sun Lacing Card

Sun Lacing Card

It is 149,600,000 km to the sun from earth. We would recommend putting your lacing holes a bit closer together than that, on this fantastic colourful sun lacing card.

Sunflower Lacing Card

Sunflower Lacing Card

This lovely sunflower lacing card is perfect for a late summer lacing project, and so much fun to do. Lace around the edges with yellow wool and then sew some textural "seeds" on the brown with running stitch.

Sunglasses Lacing Card

Sunglasses Lacing Card

This pair of sunglasses makes an unusual and fun lacing project for the kids. Older children could sew running stitch along the outside of the lenses.

Surfboard Lacing Card

Surfboard Lacing Card

This colourful surf board makes a super-easy shape for younger kids to lace around, and is perfect for young surfer dudes in the making!

Swim Shorts Lacing Card

Swim Shorts Lacing Card

These swimming shorts are perfect for lacing, with a nice easy outline to work around. Choose blue or a contrasting colour and get ready to swim!

Tree Lacing Card

Tree Lacing Card

This tree is bright green for summer, which makes it perfect for lacing! Print onto card, cut out and punch holes around the edges for the kids to lace or sew.

Wave Lacing Card

Wave Lacing Card

Here's an unusual lacing card for the kids - but one that would be fun for a seaside theme, perhaps. Use sparkly or silver wool for a very special effect.

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