Summer Learning Hub (SLH)


Our Summer Learning Hub contains 6 themed weeks of activities to keep kids' brains ticking over during the summer months! Keep the kids busy, entertained, creative and learning each week with fun resources covering the maths and literacy subjects that they will have covered over the previous school year, plus fun puzzles and crafts too. We've divided everything up by school year from Early Years through to Year 6 - that's ages 3 to 11.

Activity Village's Summer Learning Hub

Welcome to the Summer Learning Hub!

  • Designed to help you find age-appropriate activities for your children quickly and easily, there's a new theme for each of 6 weeks
  • Resources and activities are curated by UK school year so that you can find just what you need. If you have more than one child, they will all be enjoying the same theme.
  • You'll find "fun" maths, reading and writing ideas each week as well as puzzles and crafts.
  • We suggest you start by looking in the school year that your child has just finished. That way you'll find resources to revise what they will have been learning in the past year.
  • We appreciate that we have visitors from all over the world studying at different levels, and many with English as a second language. Unfortunately that might mean that you will need to explore a little to find the appropriate activities for your child.
  • Every child is different! You might want to jump ahead, or jump back ... just find what's appropriate for your child.

School Year Equivalent Ages

  • Early Years: 3-4
  • Reception: 4-5
  • Year 1: 5-6
  • Year 2: 6-7
  • Year 3: 7-8
  • Year 4: 8-9
  • Year 5: 9-10
  • Year 6: 10-11

Explore the Summer Learning Hub Below

Summer Learning Hub Week 1 Seaside
Welcome to our brand new Summer Learning Hub - it's first week! This week all our activities...
Summer Learning Hub Week 2 Butterflies
Welcome to Week 2 of the Summer Learning Hub! Explore below to find age-appropriate activities for...
SLH Week 3 Summer Foods
This week it is all about summer food! Think ice cream and ice lollies, strawberries and lemonade,...
Summer Learning Hub Week 4 In The Garden
For Week 4 of our Summer Learning Hub, we are heading into the garden and surrounding ourselves...
Summer Learning Hub Week 5 - Animals!
Welcome to Week 6 of the Summer Learning Hub - a week that's full of animals, with a few birds...
Summer Learning Hub Week 6 - Autumn!
It is the final week of the Summer Learning Hub, and as summer ends we are looking forward to...

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