Practice some simple maths facts while colouring in these summer colouring pages - something a little different and engaging for the kids! More coming soon.
Learning maths is fun when you're colouring in a picture too! Can the kids solve the simple sums (choose from two addition, two subtraction or two multiplication versions), then colour in the picture using the key to help them?
This is one of our trickier maths facts colouring pages, but the kids will be rewarded with a beautiful butterfly if they solve the sums correctly.
These beautiful flowers will look even prettier if the kids get the answers to the sums correct and use the right colours! Choose from two addition, two subtraction and two multiplication worksheets below.
Can the kids create a tasty ice cream treat by working out the simple sums and colouring in the picture using the key? We've got two addition, two subtraction and two multiplication worksheets to choose from below.
Can the kids solve the simple sums to find the right colours for our kite colouring pages? We have six versions to choose from below (two addition worksheets, two subtraction and two multiplication), to suit different ages and abilities - although the kids might like to try them all!
Children will need to solve these simple subtraction sums in order to colour in this picture of sailing boats...
Light up the sun by solving the simple sums and colouring in the picture using the key. Choose from 6 versions below (2 addition, 2 subtraction and 2 multiplication).
Children will have so much fun colouring this umbrella maths fact colouring page that they won't even notice that they are practising their sums!