Summer Symmetry Worksheets


Treat these symmetry worksheets as a maths exercise - or as a puzzle challenge! We've provided half of these summer pictures, and ask the kids to draw in the missing half. You will find 2 levels: one with grid, and one without.

Crab Symmetry

Crab Symmetry

Can you complete this drawing of a crab using symmetry? An easier worksheet with a grid is also available. You could colour the crab in once you've finished!

Ice Lolly Symmetry

Ice Lolly Symmetry

Complete this drawing of a refreshing ice lolly using symmetry. You could then colour it in when you've finished? This is one of our more simple symmetry worksheets, and a grid is available to help younger children too.

Lobster Symmetry

Lobster Symmetry

Can you use symmetry to complete the picture of this cheeky lobster? Younger children may find the grid version easier. 

Sand Castle Symmetry

Sandcastle Symmetry

Complete the sandcastle by copying one half to the other with this fun symmetry worksheet. This is quite a challenging symmetry drawing and the grid version will help younger children.

Sun Symmetry

Sun Symmetry

Can you complete this picture of the sun by mirroring the picture to the other side? There is a version with a grid available to help make this task easier.

Sunflower Symmetry

Sunflower Symmetry

Complete the picture of this beautiful sunflower. If you prefer you can use the grid option to help you.

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