Sun and Moon Tissue Paper Mobile


Scrunching up tissue paper is always a great activity for younger children, who will also enjoy the stickiness of sticking it to the paper plate. This mobile looks colourful hung up "in the sky" and will illustrate how we change from sun in the daytime to the moon at night.

Sun and Moon Tissue Paper Mobile

You will need:

  • Paper plate
  • White, yellow and orange tissue paper
  • Glue
  • Ribbon


Rip the white tissue paper into small pieces. Scrunch it into balls and glue to the paper plate. That's your moon!

When the paper plate is completely covered and fairly dry, turn over.

Glue a length of ribbon to back of the plate so that you can hang the mobile.

Now rip the orange tissue paper into small pieces, scrunch it into balls and glue it around the edge of the paper plate.

Do the same with the yellow tissue paper, gluing the scrunched up balls into the middle of the paper plate. That's your sun!

Moon side of our sun and moon tissue paper mobile
Moon side of our sun and moon tissue paper mobile


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