Sunflower Colouring Pages


Hopefully you have lots of yellow crayons to add some bright and cheerful colour to our collection of sunflower colouring pages.

Sunflower Bouquet Colouring Card

Sunflower Bouquet Colouring Card

Why not give a slightly different card this summer? Just print out our sunflower bouquet colouring card and grab the colouring pencils…

Sunflower Colour Pop Colouring Card

Sunflower Colour Pop Colouring Card

We've filled in the background of sunflower colouring card so that the kids can just concentrate on colouring in the flower itself. It makes a very pretty card to give in the summer months.

Sunflower Colouring Card

Sunflower Colouring Card

This sunflower colouring card is designed for older children, being something like a nature study drawing. Colour, fold, and give.

Sunflower Colouring Card 2

Sunflower Colouring Card 2

The lovely big sunflower on the front of this printable card is perfect for younger children  to colour in. You could even cut a photo into a circular shape and stick it into the centre of the sunflower.

Sunflower Colouring Page

Sunflower Colouring Page

You know it is high summer when the sunflowers come out! Here's a pretty sunflower colouring page - for fun or nature study.

Sunflower Colouring Page 2

Sunflower Colouring Page 2

This sunflower colouring page is aimed at younger children but you can use it in many different ways. How about using it as a collage base and gluing sunflower seeds to the middle circle, and crumpled tissue paper to the petals and leaves? It works as a template for all sorts of craft projects.

Sunflower Colouring Page 3

Sunflower Colouring Page 3

Here's another version of our pretty sunflower colouring page, this time with the background filled in. And as we often enjoy sunflowers against a lovely summer blue sky, that's what you'll find on this printable page!

Sunflower Colouring Page

Sunflower Colouring Page 4

This lovely colouring page is perfect for younger children. Why not add some texture to the centre with scrunched up tissue paper, or perhaps by gluing on some real sunflower seeds?

Sunflower Doodle Page

Sunflower Doodle Page

This fun doodle page asks children to draw the sunflowers on top of the sunflower stalks before colouring in the picture! And to help them along, one little boy is imagining just what his prize-winning sunflower looks like...

Sunflower Life Cycle Colouring Page

Sunflower Life Cycle Colouring Page

It's incredible how a sunflower grows from a tiny seed to such a tall, majestic plant! We've drawn the entire lifecycle of these lovely flowers on one page for the kids to colour in. Choose from a ready-labelled version or a blank version which they can label themselves.

Sunflower Life Cycle Colouring Pages Set

Sunflower Life Cycle Colouring Pages Set

This set of 6 colouring pages covers the lifecycle of a sunflower plant. Once you've coloured them in they look great on classroom walls and displays. For an extra challenge, choose the blank set and label each phase of the lifecycle too.

Sunflower Wreath Colouring Page

Sunflower Wreath Colouring Page

You can really go to town on the colouring of this sunflower wreath, using all sorts of shades of golds and yellows and browns. You could even use some collage for the centre of the sunflowers to give them texture.

More Sunflower Activities

Sunflower Crafts
Sunflower Crafts

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