Reward second place in your swimming competition with this certificate, illustrated by a friendly whale. Swimming certificate second place whale - Log in or Become a Member to downloadSwimming certificate second place whale - large - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageTopicsAnimalsAnimals A-ZWhalesAustralian AnimalsMore Australian Animal PrintablesSea CreaturesSea Creature PrintablesMore Sea Creature PrintablesSports ThemesSports A-ZSwimmingSwimming Certificates
Swimming Certificate 5m Shark Congratulations! Here's a certificate to reward achieving a 5 metre swim - just one from a big set of swimming certificates available to print at Activity Village.
Swimming Certificate Third Place Shark One of a set of swimming certificates, this friendly shark rewards a third place!
Whale Story Paper I think the kids could write a lovely story about a whale, inspired by the picture on this story paper!