Tennis Puzzles


Lots NEW! Tennis fans will enjoy our tennis puzzles and word searches. Closer to the Wimbledon fortnight we will be featuring our annual Wimbledon seeds word searches and match up puzzles - if your children are tennis fans you might like to come back in a few weeks' time!

Complete The Tennis Player Puzzle

Complete The Tennis Player Puzzle

Tennis and drawing both need good observational skills. Look closely at the tennis player on the right help you to complete his partner on the left.

Ladies' Singles Wimbledon Champions Word Search

Ladies' Singles Wimbledon Champions Word Search

Over the last 15 years, the Williams sisters, Serena and Venus, have taken the Ladies' Singles shield 9 times between them! Can you find their names, and other champions, in this puzzling Wimbledon word search?

Men's Singles Wimbledon Champions Word Search

Men's Singles Wimbledon Champions Word Search

Can you find the names of the men's singles Wimbledon champions of the last 15 years, from 2002 to 2017? You might be surprised how many times you are searching for Federer's name! I wonder how this puzzle will change for next year...

Tennis Boggler Puzzle

Tennis Boggler Puzzle

Find as many words as you can in this tennis boggler puzzle. You get bonus points for longer words and tennis themed words!

Tennis Grid Copy

Tennis Grid Copy

Here's a fun tennis-themed grid copy activity for tennis fans! It's quite a tricky picture, so best for older children. Just copy the squares one at a time.

Tennis - How Many Words

Tennis How Many Words Puzzles

How many smaller words can you make out the words GAME, SET AND MATCH? Children can complete this on their own, or perhaps against the clock as a group challenge in the classroom?

Tennis Maze

Tennis Maze

Can you help the tennis player find a path through the maze to pick up a new ball? This printable maze is perfect for younger children.

Tennis Word Sudoku - Easy

Tennis Word Sudoku - Easy

Here's one of our fun word sudoku puzzles for beginners, featuring the four letters which make up the word NETS.

Tennis Word Sudoku - Medium

Tennis Word Sudoku - Medium

Here's a slightly challenging word sudoku puzzle for kids with a tennis theme. Fit the six letters of the word RACKET into the grid.

More Tennis Fun

Tennis Printables
Tennis Printables

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