Mayflower Acrostic
Here's a challenging Thanksgiving acrostic poem printable using the letters from MAYFLOWER. Available in four versions.
Writing acrostic poems is much more fun when you have a cheerful printable to write out the final version on! Get the kids to write out their efforts on these Thanksgiving acrostic poem printables for a fun display for the holidays! We've got four versions of each of the printables below, so that you can choose whether children illustrate their own. Many of these printables can be used for posters, invitation and notices too.
Here's a challenging Thanksgiving acrostic poem printable using the letters from MAYFLOWER. Available in four versions.
Can the children write an acrostic poem using the letters from PILGRIM? These printables also make fun writing frames for Thanksgiving or history studies.
The pilgrim hat is such a strong representation of Thanksgiving, we thought we would make use of them for these two Thanksgiving acrostic poem printouts. Choose from "Thanks" and "Thankful" below.
Perfect for younger children at Thanksgiving, although perhaps a little challenging with the letter K, this acrostic poem printable using the letters THANKS and an illustration of pilgrim and Native American boys makes a fun Thanksgiving classroom activity.
Older children will enjoy the challenge of writing an acrostic poem using all the letters of the word "Thanksgiving" - especially if you use this charmingly illustrated printable! You could also use this printable for writing notices, messages or perhaps even an invitation...
Use these fun turkey acrostic poem printables at Thanksgiving or for a farm theme. Choose from one of the four versions below.