3, 4 and 8 are the times tables featured in this set of dominoes. Slice them horizontally and then see if you can join them all up correctly. Times table dominoes stage 2 - UK font - Log in or Become a Member to downloadTimes table dominoes stage 2 - US font - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageGamesAll Games A-ZPrintable GamesDominoesLearningMathsMaths TopicsTimes TablesTimes Tables Dominoes
Times Table Dominoes Stage 5 This final set of times tables dominoes mixes in facts from all the tables, to really keep the kids on their toes!
Times Table Dominoes Stage 4 The 11 times table is always fun, but the 12 times table can be a real challenge to learn! Here is a set of dominoes to make it a bit more fun...
Times Table Dominoes Stage 3 Practise the 6, 7 and 9 times tables with this set of simple dominoes. Cut them out and then try to match all the cards like in a normal dominoes game. If you do them right you should be able to make them go round in a circle and join up again!