Toilet Roll Candle Craft


Gather some loo rolls, paint, stickers and pipe cleaners for some crafty Christmas fun! Line the candles up on the mantelpiece of hang them from the Christmas tree. See also the variation for older children below.

Toilet roll candle craft

You will need:

Toilet roll tube
Wooden peg (optional)
Gold pipe cleaner (or orange or yellow)
Sticky tape
Decorative bits and pieces



Paint your toilet roll tube and leave to dry.

Cut a circle of card to fit over the top of the tube (stand the tube on the card and draw around it).

Twist the pipe cleaner into a flame shape. Cut a small hole in the centre of the card. Push the ends of the pipe cleaner through the card and tape to secure in place. Glue the card to the top of the tube.

Decorate the tube with stickers and sequins or anything else you fancy.

You can now stand your candle on the mantelpiece or glue the top of a wooden peg to the inside of the candle at the bottom and use this to peg your candle to the Christmas tree.

Toilet roll candle craft 2

Christmas candle variation for older children:

Make your pipe cleaner flame and then glue it to the edge of a piece of card so that the flame protrudes over the edge. Now roll the card tightly and glue or sticky tape together. You can decorate the candle as intricately as you like, either before you roll the card (with colouring pens or pencils, gold and silver pens etc) or after (with glitter, sequins, etc). Make a bunch of candles varying the height and thickness and display together.


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