Toilet Roll Monkey 1


This cheeky little monkey is made from a loo roll and a few pieces of card or paper. He looks great sitting on the edge of a shelf or the top of a cupboard, or perched on the rim of flower pot in front of a "jungle" plant, with his legs dangling over the sides!

Toilet roll monkey craft

You will need:

Cardboard tube
Brown paint
Brown paper
Scraps of paper in cream/orange/different shades of brown
Glue or double sided tape
Brown pipe cleaner
Black marker pen
Wiggle eyes


Paint the tube brown and leave to dry.

Make a hole in the tube at the back with a pen or pencil and push the pipe cleaner through.

Twist the pipecleaner to make a tail and cut off any extra.

Back view of our toilet roll monkey showing the pipe cleaner tail
Back view of our toilet roll monkey showing the pipe cleaner tail

Cut a heart shape for the face from one of the scraps of paper and glue to the front of the tube.

Cut an oval for the nose from another scrap and draw on a nose and mouth. Stick on to the face. Add the wiggle eyes.

Cut 2 semi circles for ears and glue these to the top ot the tube.

Close up of our toilet roll monkey's face
​Close up of our toilet roll monkey's face

Now cut 4 strips of brown paper for the arms and legs.

Concertina fold the strips and stick to the body.

Put your monkey on display!


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