The kids can have fun joining the dots on the tractor pictures and practising their times tables at the same time! Choose from 2s to 10s below. Tractor dot to dot skip counting - UK font - Log in or Become a Member to downloadTractor dot to dot skip counting - US font - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageHolidaysHarvest FestivalHarvest PuzzlesHarvest WorksheetsHarvest Maths WorksheetsPuzzlesDot to DotsTopicsFarmFarm WorksheetsFarm PuzzlesTractorsSeasonsAutumnAutumn PuzzlesAutumn Dot to DotsTransportTransport PuzzlesTransport Dot to DotsTransport WorksheetsTransport Maths WorksheetsLearningMathsMaths TopicsTimes TablesSkip Counting Dot to Dots
Apple Dot to Dot Skip Counting The children will enjoy these dot to dot puzzles with a difference! Choose the times table your child is working on, then ask them to join the dots to draw the apple. Choose from 2s to 12s.
Pear Dot to Dot Skip Counting These pear dot to dot puzzles will help the children learn their times tables too! Choose from 2s to 12s below.
Tractor Greater Than Printable Here's a fun interactive game to help the children understand the concepts of 'greater than' and 'less than'.