Bicycle Jigsaw
Here's a simple little jigsaw for bicycle fans, which can be adapted to suit the age of your child. Instructions and cutting guides are here.
Our printable transport jigsaws are designed to be an activity that can be adapted for the age (or ability) of your childn. Just print out and cut into pieces yourself or with the help of one of our templates. Store in a ziploc bag or envelope using the little picture as an identifier and aid.
Here's a simple little jigsaw for bicycle fans, which can be adapted to suit the age of your child. Instructions and cutting guides are here.
This pirate galleon jigsaw is a fun way for kids to practise their numbers. Just print onto card and then slice it up along the vertical lines. They can use the numbers to help them put it back together again. Choose from a colour version, or black and white.
Print this fantastic galleon spelling jigsaw onto card, and cut along the vertical dotted lines. Now when your child puts the picture back together again, they will be teaching themselves how to spell the word GALLEON.
This tractor printable jigsaw is great for slipping into an envelope and keeping in your bag to entertain children when you need a quiet moment when out and about.