Ahoy there shipmates, here's a fun way to practise spelling! Print out this lovely treasure map, either in black and white or colour, cut along the lines and jumble up for the kids to put back together again.
Print our pirate spelling jigsaw onto some card, and cut along the dotted lines to make strips. When the strips are put back in the correct order, they will complete the picture and spell the word pirate! Yo ho ho! Available in colour and black and white.
Print this fantastic galleon spelling jigsaw onto card, and cut along the vertical dotted lines. Now when your child puts the picture back together again, they will be teaching themselves how to spell the word GALLEON.
Younger kids will love our cute pirate rabbit jigsaw! Print out onto some card, and use one of our jigsaw cutting guides to make your puzzle. Store in a bag with the small image to help your child complete the puzzle.