Trick or Treat Board Game 1


The kids will love playing this fun Trick or Treat Board Game at Halloween! Print the game board onto some card (you can laminate the board and cards to make the game more durable). Then print out the dice cards and treat cards and the rules too (you'll find the links to download all the printable files below). Cut out the cards, then grab a numbered die and some counters and you're ready to play!

You will need:

Game board
One die (numbered)
Counters (1 per player)
Die Treat cards (use one sheet per player)
3-6 players

How to play:

Place the counters on the starting space.

Each player starts with 3 treats. The rest are piled near the board.

Decide who goes first. Player 1 rolls the die and moves the number of spaces.

At this stage the player can choose to move spaces forwards or backwards at the cost of 1 treat for each space. The player does not perform any actions associated with a space until they have finish moving.

If they land on a space with another player on it, the player already on the space must give them one of their treats (if they have any).

If they land on a house they can choose to "trick or treat".

To "trick or treat" roll the die:

1 = trick
2 = gain 1 treat
3 = gain 1 treat
4 = gain 2 treats
5 = gain 2 treats
6 = gain 3 treats

If the player rolls a 1, or a "trick", they roll the die again and have to take the forfeit:

1 or 2 = lose half your treats (round up - eg if you have 11 sweets you lose 6)
3 or 4 = lose 5 treats (if you don't have 5 treats you lose all your sweets)
5 or 6 = swap your treats with the player on your left

If a player lands on Witch's Cauldron or Jack o' Lantern, they can choose to "trick or treat" or nominate another player to have a "trick".

The first player to reach the finish gets 5 bonus treats and can choose to take an additional "trick or treat".

When a player has reached the finish, they are out of the game and their treats are safe.

The winner is the player with the most treats once all players have reached the finish.


PDF iconTrick or Treat board game 1 - board - Log in or Become a Member to download
PDF iconTrick or Treat board game 1 - dice cards - Log in or Become a Member to download
PDF iconTrick or Treat board game 1 - treat cards - Log in or Become a Member to download
PDF iconTrick or Treat board game 1 - rules - Log in or Become a Member to download
Trick or Treat board game 1


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