Uncle Sam Craft


This Uncle Sam craft for kids is a great Fourth of July activity, using simple craft cupboard supplies and a little bit of paint and patience!

Uncle Sam craft photo
Our Uncle Sam craft result - we think he is gorgeous!

You will need:

Paper cup
Polystyrene ball
Pink, white and red paint
Blue and white card
Wiggle eyes
Blue and pink felt
colouring pens


Paint the ball pink, and, if necessary, the cup white. Leave to dry. Glue the ball on to the bottom of the cup.

Paint red lines from base to half way up the cup.

Cut a jacket shape from felt and stick it around the top part of the body. Use our photos for help.

Cut two blue felt arms. Stick pink felt hands to them and glue them to the body.

Uncle Sam craft detail

Now for the head! First, stick on some wool hair. Next make the hat by cutting a rectangle of white card. Draw on the hat design – blue around the base with white stars and red stripes - and then roll into a tube and tape to secure. Cut out a blue circle and glue your tube to the centre of the circle. Stick on to the head.

Finish off with two wiggle eyes and draw on a face! Uncle Sam is ready to go on display!


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