Using Fuse Beads


Many children love making fuse bead creations - but once they are ironed and finished, it can be hard to think of something to do with them! We have some ideas below:

Make a badge
Attach a safety pin with sticky tape. Better still, attach a badge fitting (available from craft shops or online) with strong glue or a glue gun (adult supervision required).

Make a hanging decoration
Thread a thin ribbon or cord through one of the beads near the top of your design. You may need to use a blunt needle. Great for Easter (hang eggs and other decorations on an Easter branch or tree) and Christmas. Adult supervision required.

Make a mobile
Assemble a number of fuse bead designs into a hanging mobile.

Make a bookmark
The bead decorations are generally too thick to happily mark your place in a book, but if you attach them to a thick ribbon or scrap of felt or craft foam they can look very effective.

Make greetings cards
Use your designs as embellishments on your handmade greetings cards. Attach with double-sided sticky tape or strong glue.

Make napkin rings
Make a ring of strong cardboard and attach your fuse bead design with double-sided sticky tape or strong glue.

Make jewellery
Small designs can be mounted onto jewellery fittings - rings, brooch backs, hair slides, etc - with strong glue or a glue gun (adult supervision required). You can make a simple pendant by threading a ribbon or cord through the top of your design with a blunt needle and tying it at the required length.

Decorate a satchel or bag
Attach small designs to key chains or ribbons and tie onto your satchel. Please remember that your fuse bead creations may not last forever - the beads tend to break apart easily - so don't do this for very precious designs.

Can you reverse a design?
It takes a lot of concentration and planning to reverse one of our designs!

Make coasters
Large square designs make excellent drinks coasters.

Make fridge magnets
Simple glue a small magnet (available from craft shops) to the back of your design.

Make Christmas tree decorations
Just thread some ribbon or string through one of the beads before you iron your design.

Make your own fuse bead design
Children may enjoy designing their own fuse bead pattern on paper, before making the real design with beads. You can use our printable fuse bead pattern design sheet and some colouring pencils or pens to plan and practise all sorts of designs!

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