Valentine Mobile


This pretty mobile is made by recycling a kitchen roll or loo rolls. It looks so pretty hanging in the window!

Valentine Mobile

You will need:

Kitchen roll tube or 3 loo rolls
Heart buttons
Narrow ribbon
Darning needle


Squash the kitchen roll tube flat and then cut into 9 pieces.

Paint the kitchen roll and leave to dry. You could paint all the pieces the same colour or use different colours to make a pattern.

Painting each piece of kitchen roll
Painting each piece of kitchen roll

Shape each piece into a heart.  

Kitchen roll piece shaped into a heart
Kitchen roll piece shaped into a heart

Tie a knot into the ribbon and thread onto the needle.  

Carefully push the needle through the bottom of one heart and pull the ribbon through.  

Thread on a button and then carefully push the needle through the top of the heart.

Add the remaining hearts in the same way, threading a button in to the middle of each heart.

Hang up the mobile.

Valentine mobile hanging in the window


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