Valentine's Day Mazes


Print these fun Valentine's Day Mazes for your kids this Valentine's Day.

Crocodiles in Love Maze

Crocodiles in Love Maze

Here's a cute mazthe kids to have a go at - and it's quite a tricky one! Help the two crocodiles get together by finding a path through the maze. The solution is included on page 2 of the pdf file.

Hedgehogs in Love Maze

Hedgehogs in Love Maze

Here's a cute little maze - not so easy, actually - for Valentine's Day or any time. Help the two little hedgehogs find their way to each other... If you get stuck, the solution is on page 2 of the 2-page pdf file below.

Sweet Hearts Maze 1

Sweet Hearts Maze 1

Here is the first of four sweet hearts mazes with the same look and feel – this being the easiest of the four. Just find your way from the pink heart on the left to red heart on the right, if you can! This is a two-page PDF and includes the solution.

Sweet Hearts Maze 2

Sweet Hearts Maze 2

See if you can find your way through this tricky maze, from the gap on the left side (marked by a pink heart) to the gap on the right side (marked by a red heart). This is a 2-page PDF file, with the solution on page 2.

Sweet Hearts Maze 3

Sweet Hearts Maze 3

Here is the third of four sweet hearts mazes, each one slightly trickier than the last! If you get stuck, the solution is included on page 2 of the PDF file.

Sweet Hearts Maze 4

Sweet Hearts Maze 4

This is definitely a tricky maze! Take your time and see if you can find your way from left to right. If necessary, you can find the solution on page 2 of the PDF file.

Valentine Maze 1

Valentine Maze 1

We have three Valentine mazes with a heart background, or of similar difficulty but distinguished by different-coloured hearts. Here is the first! The solution is on page 2 of the PDF file.

Valentine Maze 2

Valentine Maze 2

Here is the second of our Valentine mazes. Find your way from the arrow at the top to the centre, if you can. If you get stuck, refer to the solution on page 2 of the PDF file.

Valentine Maze 3

Valentine Maze 3

Here is another Valentine maze for the kids to try. Find your way from the arrow to the centre of the circle. The solution can be found on page 2 of the PDF file if necessary.

Valentine's Day Maze

Valentine's Day Maze

Can you help the two lovebugs find each other in this cute printable Valentine puzzle?

Valentine's Day Maze 1

Valentine's Day Maze 1

Print out this Valentine's Day maze for the kids. Help the two children get together on Valentine's Day by finding a path through the maze...

Valentine's Day Maze 2

Valentine's Day Maze 2

Here's a slightly more tricky Valentine's Day maze. children need to find the path through the heart-shaped maze to let the two little friends meet up for Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day Maze 3

Valentine's Day Maze 3

Here's a really difficult maze that will keep kids busy on Valentine's Day for quite some time! Can you find the path through the heart-shaped maze so that the two children can meet up?

More Valentine's Day Puzzles

Valentine's Day Grid Copy Puzzles
Valentine's Day Grid Copy Puzzles

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