This colouring page, taken from an etching, apparently shows one of Sir Walter Raleigh's ships. Perhaps it is the Falcon? Walter Raleigh ship colouring page Explore Activity VillageTopicsFamous PeopleFamous People A-ZWalter RaleighFamous ExplorersTransportTransport Colouring PagesLearningHistoryBritish HistoryTudorsTudor Colouring PagesMore Tudor Colouring Pages
Francis Drake Ships Colouring Page Sir Francis Drake circumnavigated the world in the Golden Hind. This colouring page, taken from an etching, shows one of his ships - presumably the Golden Hind, although we can't be 100% sure!
Sir Walter Raleigh Colouring Page Here's a colouring page of the very debonair Sir Walter Raleigh, privateer and hero of the court of Elizabeth I.
Sir Francis Drake Colouring Page Colour in this picture of the debonair Francis Drake, sea captain and privateer of the Tudor period!