Have fun with family or friends by playing this water cycle board game! Print the 4 pages onto card, trim along the dotted lines then tape the pieces together to make one large board. You can laminate the pieces too if you want to re-use the game, or glue the pages inside a file folder to keep them protected for future use.
You will need:
- A die
- A counter for each player
- Game printed onto card and the pieces taped together (or see suggestions for a longer-lasting game board above)
- All players place their counter on the starting ocean square.
- Each player rolls the die. The player who rolls the highest number goes first.
- Place all counters next to the start of the group stage.
- Player 1 rolls the die. They must roll a 3, 4, 5 or 6 to move.
- When they have moved (if they can) play passes to the player to the left of player 1.
- Players must travel around the board to complete the water cycle and return to the ocean.
- If a player lands directly on a square with text they must follow the instructions.
- The first player to reach the ocean finish square is the winner!