Waxed Leaves


This is an unusual nature craft for older children, who will need to be supervised closely as they will be using lit candles and hot wax. The effect is really pretty, and unusual. And of course it is fun to go out and choose the leaves for this project, especially if you look for an assortment of shapes and colours.

Waxed Leaves

You will need:

  • Dried flattened leaves with long firm stems
  • Household candle (white is best)
  • Tealights
  • Foil tray
  • Glitter (white or silver if you want a snow effect)
  • Greaseproof paper


Break up the candle into the foil tray. 

Sit your foil tray about an inch and a half above a couple of lit tealights.  We rested the edge of the tray on a few food tins.  Make sure the tealights are on a flameproof surface.

When the wax is melted, hold the leaves by the stems and carefully dip them into the melted wax. 

Gently place the leaves onto greaseproof paper and sprinkle some glitter over them while the wax is still wet. It sets very quickly, so be speedy!

Once cool, we hole-punched the leaves so that we could hang them, and we used them to decorate an outdoor tree. They would also make lovely bunting hung in a line on one cord.



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