What's That Noise Game


You will need to gather up the musical instruments on the picture cards. Print the picture cards – you might want to laminate them if you are going to use them more than once. Set up a screen or a box so that the children cannot see which instrument you are using. Explain to the children that you are going to make a noise and the children must guess which instrument it is. They should find the correct picture card for the noise that they heard.

Once the children get used to identifying the sounds, use the game to help the children to develop their short term memory by making two or three sounds and asking the children to find the pictures and put them into the correct order. You could begin to increase this number to test their memory even further. Can they get all six in the correct order?

You could also create a musical version of ‘I am the Music Man’ using these cards. When you sing ‘What do you play?’ hold up a picture card and the children sing ‘I play the maracas!’

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What's That Noise Game


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