Whose Feet


Those "Whose Feet" printables are a really fun way to encourage the kids to draw - especially those who might be a little reluctant and unsure where to start! We've provided the feet of various holiday characters, sports men and women, animals and birds ... and the kids need to fill in the rest!

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Whose Feet Footballer

Whose Feet American Footballer

Imagine an American football player wearing his pads and helmet, and them draw the one that fits onto these feet! It's a fun drawing challenge for older children.

Whose Feet Athlete

Whose Feet Athlete

This athlete could specialise in sprints or long distance, high jump or long jump! It's up to the kids to fill in the rest of the picture...

Whose Feet Ballerina

Whose Feet Ballerina

These very distinctive feet belong to a graceful ballerina! The challenge is to design and draw the rest of the picture...  

Whose Feet Baseball Player

Whose Feet Baseball Player

Our baseball player is wearing an old-style baseball uniform. What would the rest of the uniform look like? Can the kids draw it in?

Whose Feet Basketball Player

Whose Feet Basketball Player

Basketball players wear long shorts and, often, colourful shoes like these! Can the kids draw in the rest of the picture?

Whose Feet Christmas Elf

Whose Feet Christmas Elf

Can the kids take their cue from the feet of this little Christmas elf, and draw in his torso and face? One thing we know ... he has stripy Christmas stocking!

Whose Feet Cricketer

Whose Feet Cricketer

There is no doubt about the sport that the owner of these feet and pads plays! Can the kids draw him or her in to the picture?

Whose Feet Crocodile

Whose Feet Crocodile

Here is a challenging drawing exercise for the kids! We have provided the 4 feet of a crocodile. They need to provide the head, body, and tail!

Whose Feet Dracula

Whose Feet Dracula

This creative drawing prompt for Halloween suggests that children might like to fill in the drawing with the body of their own Dracula - but after all, the page is blank and waiting for their own imaginations to fill it!

Whose Feet Duck

Whose Feet Duck

I think these feet belong to a duck, but your child might have other ideas! How will they choose to finish this picture?

Whose Feet Elephant

Whose Feet Elephant

These feet are instantly recognisable as the front feet of an elephant! Can the kids finish the rest of the picture?

Whose Feet Frankenstein

Whose Feet Frankenstein

These boots belong to a Frankenstein monster - it's only the body that's missing! Grab your pencils and get the kids to fill in the picture with their own Frankenstein creation.

Whose Feet Frog

Whose Feet Frog

Here is a tricky "whose feet" challenge! We've provided this frog's feet – now can the kids fill in the rest of the picture…

Whose Feet Ghost

Whose Feet Ghost

There are so many ways that the kids could fill in the rest of this ghostly picture - so encourage them to get imaginative! It's a great way to get hesitant kids to start drawing.

Whose Feet Giraffe

Whose Feet Giraffe

Can the kids take their cue from the two front legs of a giraffe, and draw the rest? It's a bit tricky, but fun…

Whose Feet Goat

Whose Feet Goat

Whose feet are these? They belong to a goat! Can you fill in the rest of the picture?

Whose Feet Golfer

Whose Feet Golfer

This golfer is wearing traditional golfing knickerbockers - the old-fashioned golfing outfit still seen occasionally on the golf course! Can the kids take inspiration by the parts of the picture we have provided, and draw the rest?

Whose Feet Horse

Whose Feet Horse

I think you can see that these feet - and the bottom half of these legs - belong to a horse. But can you draw the rest of the picture? Or maybe your chidlren wilol make up an entirely different creature...

Whose Feet Ice Skater

Whose Feet Ice Skater

What is the ice skater in this picture wearing, and what does he or she look like? Take your cue from the ice skates on the feet of this skater, and draw the rest of the picture.

Whose Feet Mummy

Whose Feet Mummy

We've provided the Mummy's feet - can the kids fill in the rest of the picture? It's a fun Halloween drawing activity!

Whose Feet Native American 1

Whose Feet Native American 1

We've included the feet and the fringe of a tunic to get you started. Can you draw the rest of the tunic of the Native American whose feet they belong to?  

Whose Feet Native American 2

Whose Feet Native American 2

Who might be wearing these moccasins? Our 'whose feet Native American' printable asks children to imagine and draw the owner of these feet.

Whose Feet Penguin

Whose Feet Penguin

It's hard not to love penguins - but it's also quite hard to draw them! We've given kids the feet and beginning of the body ... now it is their turn to fill in the rest.

Whose Feet Pig

Whose Feet Pig

Imagine that pig is standing in front of you, looking straight at you. We've provided the feet … Now you draw the rest!

Whose Feet Pilgrim 1

Whose Feet Pilgrim 1

Who might be the owner of these buckled shoes? Our "whose feet pilgrim printable" is a new take on our complete the picture printables!

Whose Feet Pilgrim 2

Whose Feet Pilgrim 2

Here's something new for Thanksgiving. Whose feet might these be? Have fun drawing and colouring the owner of the feet on our "whose feet" pilgrim printable.

Whose Feet Reindeer

Whose Feet Reindeer

Father Christmas relies on his reindeer to pull his sleigh - but what exactly does a reindeer look like? We've given you a reindeer's two front legs, and ask the kids to fill in the rest of the picture. Will this reindeer have a red nose, I wonder?  

Whose Feet Rugby Player

Whose Feet Rugby Player

We've provided the kids with a pair of boots and stripy rugby socks. Now they have to draw the rest of the rugby player!

Whose Feet Santa Claus

Whose Feet Santa Claus

We've give you Santa Claus' feet - a sturdy pair of boots and the bottom of his red fur-trimmed trousers, of course - and now it is up to the kids to draw the rest of him!

Whose Feet Scot

Whose Feet Scot

It's easy to see that these feet belong to a Scotsman - the clue is in the shoes, socks and kilt! But can the kids fill in the rest of the picture?

Whose Feet Skier

Whose Feet Skier

What position would this skier , and what would he be working? We've provided the feet, now kids need to think about how to draw the rest of the picture!

Whose Feet Soccer Player

Whose Feet Soccer Player

Soccer-mad kids will love drawing in their favourite football star, using these feet as starting points. Or perhaps they can draw themselves in their own kit, or their favourite player's jersey...

Whose Feet Turkey

Whose Feet Turkey

These feet are ready for a Thanksgiving turkey to be drawn, or maybe collaged or painted, on top. Children can be as creative as they like and perhaps design their own bird rather than a turkey!

Whose Feet Uncle Sam

Whose Feet Uncle Sam

Draw in the rest of Uncle Sam, taking inspiration from these very distinctive legs! It's a fun drawing challenge for kids of all ages.  

Whose Feet Witch

Whose Feet Witch

This witch likes to wear stripy green and yellow stockings and extraordinary shoes. I wonder what the rest of her outfit will look like? Children can let their imagination go wild when they fill in this Whose Feet picture...

Whose Feet Zebra

Whose Feet Zebra

Imagine you are standing in front of the zebra, who was looking straight at you. Here are his two front legs. Now draw the rest!

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