Winter Crafts


This winter, celebrate the season by getting the kids involved in some crafty projects - everything from snowflake and snowman crafts through to some very cute penguins! We have a growing collection of winter craft ideas for you below, starting with some of the main themes for winter crafts and moving on to more general craft ideas...

Winter Crafts by Theme

Explore our collections of snowman, snowflake, penguin and robin crafts by clicking on the links below...

Snowflake CraftsSnowflake Crafts
All sorts of snowflake crafts to keep all ages busy creating some wintery magic!




Snowman CraftsSnowman Crafts
A fun collection of snowman crafts for children of all ages.





Penguin CraftsPenguin Crafts
Snow and penguins seem to go together well! Find out penguin craft collection here.




Robin CraftsRobin Crafts
Such a cheerful sign in winter - make your own robins to cheer you up whatever the weather!



General Winter Crafts


Here are a selction of crafts with a winter theme - just click through for instructions and more photos.

Bird Cake

Bird Cake

Make sure that the birds stay fed and happy this autumn / winter by making them this bird cake, and attract some interesting wildlife into your garden.

You will need:

Blow Skiing Game

Blow Skiing

Here's a fun home-made game you can play in the winter - perfect for the Winter Olympics too! It's also an excellent game for asthmatic children, encouraging them to blow out steadily.

Bobsled Run

Bobsled Run

The bobsled, or bobsleigh, has got to be one of the most exciting events at the Winter Olympics, and many children will have enjoyed the tale of the Jamaican bobsled team in the Disney film Cool Runnings! We decided to have a go at making our own with supplies from the junk cupboard.

Bubble Wrap Snowy Picture

Bubble Wrap Snowy Picture

This technique is a fun way for younger children to add some textural snowflakes to their winter pictures! Our photos aren't great but hopefully you can see the effect.

Cotton Bud Snowflakes Craft

Cotton Bud Snowflakes Craft

Kids can have a go at this fun cotton bud snowflakes craft during the winter or for Christmas. Glittering the ends of the cotton buds is fun to do, and the sticky tack makes them satisfyingly quick to turn out, so make as many as you have gems!

Cotton Wool Pad Snowman

Cotton Wool Pad Snowman

Here's a quick and easy way to make some really impressive snowmen! Using the round cotton wool pads that you can buy everywhere now means that you can build one of these in a jiffy, and take your time decorating it to make it special. A super winter craft for snowmen lovers.

Curling Game

Curling Game

This homemade curling game is a great idea for a winter's afternoon or to accompany the Winter Olympics. We love crafts that you can enjoy playing with afterwards as they tick all sorts of boxes!

Decorated Slippers

Decorated Slippers

This is an easy gift idea for kids to make, and they can really go to town personalising their slippers for the recipient!

Glitter Glue Snowflake

Glitter Glue Snowflake

This glitter glue snowflake is quick and fun to make and is suitable for all ages. Younger children can keep their snowflake designs simple or trace designs you have created, while older children can get really got to town! Display in a window or hang on the Christmas tree.

Glittery Snowflake

Glittery Snowflake

Here is a glittery snowflake craft for kids which can be done with all ages. The result is a very pretty snowflake which can be hung in your window or on your Christmas tree.

Golf Ball Snowman

Golf Ball Snowman

This would make a cute paperweight for Dad’s desk this Christmas!

You will need:

Handprint Snowflake Painting

Handprint Snowflake Painting

Here's an idea for some messy fun to while away a long winter afternoon!

You will need:

Construction paper White paint

Handprint Snowman

Handprint Snowman

Isn't this handprint snowman cute? Kids of all ages will be proud of themselves when they produce a painting as good as this one!

You will need:

Ice Painting

This was a fun experiment, and Sam liked the way the colours turned out. It might be a fun winter craft because of the ice - but we originally came up with it for Holi. You will need to freeze the water earlier in preparation for the craft.

Ice Skate Bookmarks

These adorable ice skate bookmarks are an excellent winter or sports craft that help children practise their sewing skills. They make lovely little gifts, too, so why not make a batch?

Icicle Bunting

Icicle Bunting

Turn your room into a winter wonderland with the help of this shivery cold icicle bunting! Children will enjoy splodging on the runny paint and watching the colours merge.

Large Snowflake Craft

Large Snowflake Craft

This large snowflake craft can be done with even the youngest children - perfect for dressing up the classroom or home for winter or at Christmas! And as you can see below, they look very pretty displayed in a window...

Lolly Stick Snowman

Lolly Stick Snowman

Our cheerful snowman makes a lovely seasonal bookmark. Perhaps the kids could make them as gifts, signing their name and the year on the back?

Make A Mug Warmer

Make A Mug Warmer

Here is another useful gift which kids can make! Personalize it for a special teacher, parent or grandparent, or perhaps make holiday versions to brighten up everyone's morning!

Make An Ice Rink Craft

Make An Ice Rink Craft

When it is cold and snowy outside, kids can make this ice rink craft for their action or fashion dolls to enjoy! Smaller dolls could have a game of ice hockey, perhaps?

Pair of Hand Warmers

Pair of Hand Warmers

Let children practice their sewing skills to produce this practical gift! While this craft will require some adult supervision, all that is needed is a simple blanket stitch that even the young children can try (ours was done by Jack age 5).

Paper Plate Snowman

Paper Plate Snowman

Isn't this snowman gorgeous? Enjoy this easy winter snowman craft with your kids. They are so simple and effective, why not make a family of snow-people!

Pinecone Bird Feeder

Pinecone Bird Feeder

Feed the birds this autumn / winter with this pinecone bird feeder - fun to make with your kids!

You will need:

Pipe Cleaner Snowflake

Pipe Cleaner Snowflake

Twist and turn some pipe cleaners to make this pretty pipe cleaner snowflake decoration for your window or tree. Or make lots and combine in a snowflake mobile. This is a good "no mess" craft for keeping little fingers busy...

Plastic Bag Snowman

Plastic Bag Snowman

Isn't he gorgeous? Kids will love creating their own "snowman" from the recycling basket!

You will need:

Plastic Spoon Snowman

Plastic Spoon Snowman

This cute snowman is quick and easy to make with some simple materials - and great fun to display too!

You will need:

Popsicle Stick Snowflakes Craft

Popsicle Stick Snowflakes Craft

Have fun making this popsicle stick snowflake craft - use them to decorate the Christmas tree, your classroom or your windows in winter! Use whatever crafty decorations you have on hand...

Puffy Paint Snowflakes

Puffy Paint Snowflakes

Create some pretty, textural snowflakes with our puffy paint recipe, made from kitchen ingredients. Watching the paint puff up in the microwave is always exciting!

Puffy Paint Snowman

Puffy Paint Snowman

There is something so satisfying about crafting with shaving foam - and the kids love it! This puffy paint snowman makes a perfect winter activity, and the 3d finished result is lovely on display.

Row Of Snowmen

Row Of Snowmen

Decorate your house, your classroom, your windows, your mantelpiece, your books - you'll find plenty of places you'll want to display your row of snowmen with this imaginative paper craft for kids!

Salt Snowflakes

Salt Snowflakes

Here's a quick and fun snowflake activity - and you almost certainly have everything you need easily to hand! The finished snowflakes are really lovely so the kids will feel they have made something special.

Seasonal Tree Canvases

Seasonal Tree Canvases

This lovely craft idea can be undertaken in one go as a project on the seasons - or in four parts over the year as each season arrives. However you choose to do it, the canvases make an eye-catching display.

Ski Collage

Ski Collage

Here are some ideas for a ski collage picture for kids to make as a winter craft, or perhaps for the Winter Olympics or a sporting theme.

Snowflake Christmas Tree Decorations

Snowflake Christmas Tree Decorations

Print, cut out and add a little glitter before attaching a loop of ribbon and hanging to the tree. You could stick two together back to back with the ribbon glued between them if you like, or perhaps the kids could sign the back and add a little picture of their own and the date?

Snowman Craft

Snowman Craft

This adorable snowman craft is a perfect Christmas or winter craft for kids of all ages - although younger children may need help and supervision.

Snowman Mobile

Snowman Mobile

Print, cut out, glue and hang this very cute Snowman Mobile - there are 8 different cheerful snowmen to entertain you as they drift in the breeze!

Snowy Pictures Using Chalk

Snowy Pictures Using Chalk

Simply using chalk and coloured card or construction paper, children can draw some really effective snowy pictures. See our examples below!

Snowy Pictures With Salt

Snowy Pictures With Salt

Here's an idea for creating snowy pictures with salt and paints - it's a fun experimental painting technique for kids to have a go at and it creates an interesting effect.

Sock Snowman Craft

Sock Snowman Craft

You will need a white sock and a baby sock to make this gorgeous sock snowman - but he is so gorgeous we don't think you will be able to stop at one!

Tissue Paper Snowflake

Tissue Paper Snowflake

Make this tissue paper snowflake with the kids for a quick and easy Christmas or winter decoration. It's a classic idea but it never loses its appeal, and as the kids get older the snowflakes can get more and more complex.

Wax Resist Snowflakes

Wax Resist Snowflakes

Although our photo doing do this craft justice, it's worth having a go at these wax resist snowflakes.

Waxed Leaves

Waxed Leaves

This is an unusual nature craft for older children, who will need to be supervised closely as they will be using lit candles and hot wax. The effect is really pretty, and unusual.

Winter Collage

Winter Collage

Here is a quick and simple idea for a winter collage for kids which will give the kids a real sense of achievement.

You will need:

Winter Handprint Scene

Winter Handprint Scene

Here's an idea for some messy fun to while away a long winter afternoon!

You will need:

Winter Placemat

Winter Placemat

This winter placemat in chilly winter colours is a paper weaving craft activity which kids of all ages will enjoy. It is fun to do and very effective, and of course you can add decorations and embellishments if you wish.

Winter Scene Centrepiece

Winter Scene Centrepiece

Kids can use their imagination and any craft supplies you have lying around to create a winter scene centrepiece like this one. We've chosen to feature a pond, a mail box and a lamp post, but you could build something entirely different...


Winter Spiral

Winter Spiral

This laminated spiral looks pretty catching the light and the breeze in a window. If you use two pieces of clear contact paper you can probably get away with using more sequins and glitter!

Winter Village Scene

Winter Village Scene

Have fun creating a winter village scene with your kids using cardboard boxes, twigs, cotton wool and other bits and pieces from the craft cupboard.

Woven Snowflake

Woven Snowflake

This woven snowflake makes a pretty Christmas tree decoration and is fun for kids of all ages to make.  We've got some suggestions for variations below, too...

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Winter Printables
Winter Printables

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